About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Valentine's Day

We made it through another week. At this point, I am using the weekend to mark surviving another week of virtual school instead of heralding the beginning of carefree adventure days. I miss going on our day trips and adventures, but I'm optimistic that life will slowly return to normal over the next few months.

Valentine's Day is on Sunday and I am entirely truthful when I say that the pandemic has had no impact on our plans. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, so this year will be no different. We picked up a gift card for Robby and a magic set for Timmy, but Scott and I don't gift each other on Valentine's Day. In our family, Valentine's Day is a kids holiday.

Have a great weekend, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

No Snow

Our mud slide is frozen solid and covered with a sheen of snow and ice. We were hoping for 6 inches of snow. Instead we received freezing rain and a few flurries. So much for our snow day plans!

I'm bummed out that we are stuck inside today, but I think my leg will thank me for the down time. Sliding through the mud twisted my limb within the socket, and I have been sore and ouchy. I'm still mobile, but I definitely feel the slip with every step I take. I don't think a day of heavy sledding and snowball battles would have done my leg any favors. 

Although the chances are dwindling, I haven't given up hope that we will receive a huge storm this year. Unfortunately, today our wishes will not be granted. Instead of playing in the snow and sledding we will work through our respective to-do lists.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mud Sliding

All of our snow has melted and our yard has become a semi-frozen mud pit. Undeterred by the turf conditions, Timmy was determined to play outside. Against my better judgement, we bundled up and headed into the mud yard.

It turns out that frozen mud is as slippery as ice. I was walking carefully, but I ended up slip n' sliding down our muddy sledding run. (With the exception of my pride, I wasn't hurt.) It happened so quickly and, once momentum caught me, there was nothing I could do but slide.

Timmy thought that my mud slide was a stroke of brilliance. After making sure that I wasn't hurt, he took a turn down the chute. Squealing with joy the entire way, he slide like a seal down the muddy hill. When he got to the end he ran up, covered with mud and grass, before wrapping his mucky little arms around my waste. "Momom, this is the best thing ever. Mud sledding is better than snow!"

After almost an hour of sliding, he was ready to come inside. He was stripped naked outside and his clothes were deposited directly into the washer. After a warm bath (which left a ring around the tub), he was cleaned up and smiling from ear-to-ear.

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Jaw Clenching

I have always carried my stress and anxiety in my jaw. When I'm tense or nervous, my jaw clenches. Over the years I have tried numerous remedies to thwart the clenching and, for the most part, I have it under control. During the day I am usually aware of the habit and it can be stopped. At night, my clenching becomes problematic.

My jaw has been clenching so much over the past few nights that I can no longer chew. My range of motion has been severely impacted, and I feel a constant sore pain every time I open my mouth. To add insult to my discomfort, I'm not even sure why I'm clenching. Historically the cause of my tension and anxiety is obvious. This time, I am not able to identify the trigger. 

I suspect that my clenching is the result of the accumulation of pandemic and cyber school anxiety and tension bubbling over in my sleep. I feel frazzled, but that has been my usual condition for almost a year. I cannot figure out why is my jaw suddenly starting to clench so severely that I cannot talk without pain. Of course, not being able to find an obvious answer is only adding to my frustration, which will in turn cause me to clench more tonight.  

I wish being an adult was as easy as I thought when I was a teen.

Monday, February 08, 2021

Snowy Day

Yesterday was an exciting day in our family, and it had absolutely nothing to do with a football game. We woke up to beautiful snow flurries dancing through the sky and accumulating on the ground. Even though the snow wasn't predicted to stay long, it was certainly and beautiful while it lasted. After I slurped down my first cup of coffee Timmy and I dressed in our snow gear and headed outside to play.

We ended up with about four inches of wet snow.. Because we went out early, we were able to play for about 90 minutes before the flakes began to melt into slush. We certainly made the best of the playing opportunity, and Timmy even managed to roll a nice size snowman.

After we came in and warmed up, Scott headed out to his vaccination appointment. I have to admit that I'm jealous that he was vaccinated. (Because I work from home, I am further down the priority list.) Even though I haven't received the vaccine yet, I felt a rush of relief when he sent me the picture showcasing his vaccination card. For the first time in a year, I felt like a "normal" life may be within reach. 

Today we are back to school and back to our weekday schedule. We have more snow in the forecast for this week, so we are crossing our fingers that it materializes. If we are going to be stuck at home because of a pandemic, we might as well sled and throw some snowballs!