About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Tree Struggles

 Happy Friday!  

Even though we didn't do anything out of the norm, this week has felt wonky and off. Thanksgiving vacation is definitely at the forefront of all of our minds and the excitement is building with each passing day. Timmy is ecstatic to go to his Nana's and to hang out with his cousins next week and Robby is looking forward to several late-night rousing rounds of Cards Against Humanity. I'm counting down the days until our Thanksgiving "Fun"cation begins!

Unlike other years, I'm not taking the Cousins overnight this year. Instead I have several day adventures partially planned and I will be able to tailor our itinerary when I know their work schedules. No matter what we do, I know that we will have fun.

Unfortunately, our funcation is still a few days away. I need to get through work today and Monday before the fun really begins. This weekend I am going to prep for Christmas because our tree is begin delivered the following Monday. This is the first year that we are not picking out our own tree in a field, but sometimes traditions need to change or end. Last year the boys (Scott included) all complained relentlessly throughout the tree farm experience and I swore I would never do it again.

Cutting down a Christmas tree has been my childhood tradition that I brought to my own little family. When they were really little both boys loved going to chop down the tree. As they have grown the dirt, sap, needle stabs and muscle exertion have outweighed the joys. Last year their bickering reached fevered pitch when they were struggling to bring the ginormous tree up the hill to the processing barn. By the time the tree reached the barn, I was nearly in tears and everybody was miserable. 

Getting into the car I declared that we would never do it again. That doesn't mean that I don't want a beautiful freshly cut Christmas tree. I discovered the best of both worlds. A Christmas tree farm in Massachusetts that delivers throughout the country. Straight from the farm to my door- I think this is going to be the perfect compromise!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Emergency Doughnut


Despite having my countdown snowman out and happily illuminating the days until Christmas since September, I find Thanksgiving sneaking up on me. I can't believe Turkey Day is next week! The past few weeks have flown by and feel like a whirl. Between work, school projects and creating and selling FlexyFriends, my days have been busy and there hasn't been a lot of downtime. I have a feeling that trend will continue through the season. 

I had wanted to participate in the "Grateful Challenge" but I lost track of time. Sigh. Oh well. I guess it isn't too late to get started.

Today I'm grateful that the boys have settled into their school routines. Timmy now needs very little assistance and intervention from me during the day. With the exception of helping him locate some last minute supplies, he is logged in and interacting with his classmates during school.  The fact that I no longer need to sit next to him has been liberating!

On Tuesday I was getting him ready for school when I realized that he had colorful sprinkles embedded in the back of his hair. It looked like a colorful rat nest. Brushing his hair, I had to ask him how he got sprinkles in the mix. He looked at me with the straightest face and simply answered, "Oh, I had an accident and fell asleep in my emergency doughnut."

Emergency doughnut? 

This child is definitely my son!


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

20 years

 Over the weekend I celebrated my 20th Walking Day. Our celebrations this year were muted because we were at the mall selling FlexyFriends, but I did take some time to reflect upon how far I have come in those two decades. Out of all of the anniversaries and dates involved with my limb loss, Walking Day is my favorite because it celebrates a triumph rather than marking something that happened to me. 

Two decades ago I never would have imagined that I would be where I am today. I remember feeling so uncertain and scared that my amputated body would always feel foreign and uncomfortable. I was promised that it would become my new norm, but I don't think I really believed the sentiment.  

Two decades have passed and I can say that living as an amputee has become my normal. I am not saying that it is always easy. Nor am I saying that I don't have frustrations where I am either in pain or limited because of a prosthetic issue. But I am saying that I don't think about being an amputee throughout the day. When I first had my amputation, I was scared that what was cut off of me would somehow become my identity. 

I am more than my amputation. But I am the person I am today because of everything that I have gone through. Being an amputee has become part of who I am, but it does not define me. If you are new to limb loss, please know that it won't define you either.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Pop-Up Shop

I never imagined that it would be so enjoyable to sit inside a mall for three consecutive days, but I was pleasantly surprised by the experience. Not only was the FlexyFriends pop-up store successful, but I had a great time interacting with all of the wonderful families who stopped by to shop. Santa arrived at the mall on Saturday which definitely helped with foot traffic. Robby and I were busy all day!

Because our event was spread out over three days, we decided to divide and conquer. Scott went with me to help me set up on Friday but I finished out the day by myself because he needed to get home to take care of the Timmy. On Saturday Robby spent the day with me selling while Scott stayed home. On Sunday they switched and Robby stayed home with Timmy while Scott went to the mall to help me sell and clean up. As an added bonus, my sister made a surprise trip down to spend a few hours and help out on Sunday. It was wonderful to be able to spend a few hours hanging out, selling and chatting.  

After a busy weekend, I feel a bit frazzled starting the new week. I haven't had a chance to decompress and my at home to-do list is overwhelming.  Ready or not, I guess I need to get started working.

Have a great day!