About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, July 12, 2024


 Today Scott and Robby are heading to the mall to sell FlexyFriends while Timmy and I continue to visit with my Mom. We will be heading back to Virginia tomorrow afternoon but not before we help my Mom with a very important task. Tomorrow she is visiting the dog rescue to pick up her new pup. Timmy has been anxiously anticipating helping Nana pick up her pup and has even offered to hold the dog on the car ride from the shelter to his new home. Talk about exciting!

This afternoon Timmy is going to go swimming with my Mom. The oppressive heat has finally broken (at least for a few days) and I hope to take advantage of it. We haven't been able to go swimming all year and I think some splishing and splashing is overdue. 

So far this summer has been lackluster. Between graduations, retirement, a broken arm and preparing to move, summertime fun has been pushed to the bottom of our list. I think I need to make more of an effort because time is flying. Hopefully we'll be able to fit more pool fun into our schedule in the coming months. I think we all need it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 Help- we're melting!

This heat is wiping us all out. With over 20 days over 90 degrees, I am done with summertime. Without a pool or a way to play in the sun, the heat is absolutely wasted. Even Friend, who is content and happy all the time, seems to be wilting and melting in the oppressive weather. 

Without outdoor activities off the table (again) it was another day of trying to entertain the kids while juggling work. Today Timmy and I are heading to PA to spend a few days with my Mom. I haven't spent as much time as I would like in PA and I am excited for the break. Even though I'll still be working, it always feels a little easier when I am with my Mom.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Too hot

 Yesterday was hot and today is forecast to be even worse. With temperatures in the triple digits with high humidity, there is nothing we can do outside that will allow us to remain safe and comfortable. Too hot to go to the pool, we are going to be spending another day inside hibernating from the heat. After spending Thursday and Friday in the heat of the day I'm not about to risk being made sick again.

While I have never loved the heat, my dislike has intensified since my amputation. In the sun my socket turns into a little solar oven, essentially baking my limb. When I am outside in the direct rays I do my best to shade my socket whenever possible. When I cannot do that, or when it simply becomes too hot, I have no choice but to cool it down quickly with a splash of cold water. Have I mentioned how much I hate extreme temperatures?

Today will be another day of the kids complaining about being bored. Perhaps it is a good day to go to a movie...

Monday, July 08, 2024

Heat Sick

 I apologize for missing a post.  On Thursday (the 4th of July) Scott and I set up to sell at the Fredericksburg Street Fair. To say that it was hot would be an understatement. Temperatures hovered around 100 degrees with high humidity. It was beyond miserable! We had toyed with the notion of bringing the kids but the forecast was the deciding factor.

After sitting in the swamp heat for 6 hours, Scott and I were both left feeling worn out and heat sick. Unfortunately for me, a lengthy recovery time was not an option. I woke up early on Friday, feeling absolutely worn out, and got to work. In the late afternoon I logged off and Scott and I headed out to set up for a First Friday event. 

We tried to console ourselves with promises of an easier sell event because it was in the 'evening.' With temperatures in the low 100s with high humidity, there was little relief. Thank goodness for Scott's portable misting fan. The experiences would have been unbearable had we not had his swamp air conditioner.

I spent Saturday drinking as much water as I could while resting on the couch. My legs felt like they were cinder blocks while my torso and arms felt like they were floating. Being heat sick is a very weird sensation! I hope to not repeat it again because it was miserable.