Yesterday was busy and long, but hearing the kids laughing with their cousins into the night made it worth the effort. We decided to gain another day of Thanksgiving fun by heading to PA a day early. Per tradition, Scott will meet us here after work today. (We always drive separately so that Scott can fill his car with the Black Friday discovered surprises and ferry them home without being noticed by the boys.) The kids were ecstatic with the prospect of coming here early.
Today Timmy has school (at Nana's, which he finds hilarious) in the morning. I'm hoping that we can set him up in a quasi-quiet location so that both he and his classmates and teachers are not disturbed by the chaos of the Cousin Crew. They do tend to get rowdy when they are together.
While the kids are playing, I'll be helping my Mom get ready for the holiday. If you are driving today, be safe!