About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Good Week

 I recognize that very little time has passed since we dropped Robby off at his dorm. Despite being only a few days, it feels like so much has transpired. During those few days he has made a whole new group of friends, learned the campus, attended events and started his first college courses. I haven't spoken with him as much as I would like, but probably as much as is appropriate so I have refrained from calling, because he is always with people. Today Robby is coming home for the long weekend and I cannot wait to see his face and to hear about all of his adventures.

Timmy has also had an amazing week but I have been fortunate enough to have him home to experience his enthusiasm in real-time. He seems to love his new classroom and his new teacher. Instead of being among the oldest in his class, he is now among the youngest. This is a role which is familiar and comfortable probably because he is the youngest in our family.

Early each morning he has been waking up to get in the right 'headspace' for school and to prepare his room. Each afternoon he comes out of his room with a smile across his face and an eagerness to continue learning. I honestly could not have asked for a better first week for either boy.

 With my house again full, I feel like I might actually be able to relax this weekend. I plan on soaking up every chaotic moment.


Thursday, August 29, 2024


We have been tiptoeing into a new schedule this week. Transitioning from the carefree summertime schedule to being ruled by the figurative school bells has been a jolt for everybody including my retired teacher husband. Despite the scheduling growing pains, the first week at school as been successful so far. No tears have been shed which already puts us leaps and bounds above any other school year.

While both boys have been busy with their classes and acclimating to their new expectations, Scott and I have been working towards our goal of moving. Yesterday another dumpster was delivered (our second in this process). I felt like a child on Christmas morning waiting for my trash dumpster to arrive. I am so excited to get rid of the clutter and starting fresh somewhere new.

Although the first week has been successful, I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the weekend. Robby is planning to come home tomorrow (Friday) for the long weekend.  He has only been gone for a few days but I miss him. It will be so nice to have a full and chaotic house for a few days.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Good Days

 Both boys had a happy and successful first day of classes. Timmy, who was nervous about moving from the early elementary to the late elementary classroom, was a bundle of nerves before logging into his classroom. As soon as he saw the faces of his friends he squealed, began to giggle and shooed me out of the room. When he emerged during snack time I tried to get a read on how his day was proceeding. All he said is, "my homies are back together" before strutting back into his room. 

While Timmy was logging into his first day of school, Robby was beginning his academic collegiate adventure.  He attended is first classes and emerged excited. He was happy that he did not feel overwhelmed and he noted two familiar faces in the class. He seems to be finding both his footing and his wings. 

Although I would love to settle into a comfy schedule and just cruise through the next few months, I know that is not our reality. With both boys settled into their classes, Scott and I are starting to turn our attention towards moving. We have another dumpster being delivered tomorrow for purge #2. The amount of stuff we have accumulated is both embarrassing and frustrating. Hopefully we will move somewhere with better trash policies because I'm tired of broke furniture accumulating in the corners of our garages.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Great Wolf Getaway

 Scott, Timmy and I had a great getaway to Great Wolf Lodge. My little water bug was delighted with his end of summer surprise. We swam, played and ate the day and night away. I left my computers at home, allowing me the opportunity to fully unplug and enjoy the day with Timmy. Although it was short, we had a great time.

Saturday afternoon we swung by Shepherd University to pick up Robby for the night. He needed several more items for his room and for classes this week. With all of his newly made friends going home, he didn't want to be alone in the dorm again. So we ended the weekend with a surprise overnight visit from Robby. I must admit, it was really nice having him home.

Yesterday Scott took Robby back to school while I helped Timmy ready his room. Today both boys embark on a new educational adventure. Robby begins his first college courses while Timmy starts class in the upper elementary classroom of his Montessori school. Both are nervous because the expectations have shifted again. But I know that they are both up to the challenges ahead.

Here's to a great school year!