About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, May 03, 2024

Toss The Trash

I am thoroughly enjoying having a dumpster below my deck. I've discovered something oddly cathartic about throwing trash and clutter into the dumpster from a high distance. Everything from physically throwing the items to hearing the clanking and breaking as it hits and settles into the dumpster is satisfying and motivating. With each toss I found myself searching for more items to throw away.

In the 24 hours since we received the dumpster we have probably filled it 25%. With both Scott and I psyched for cleaning and purging, it has become obvious that we are going to need at least one more dumpster. We have accumulated so much stuff!

With the exception of playing toss the trash, I stayed off my leg for the majority of the day. The sores have closed and are healing but I remain cautious. I continue to ice several times a day which provides both relief for the pain while bringing down the angry swelling that is flaring up. I am optimistic that I'll be comfortable by the weekend if I continue to allow myself the time and opportunity to heal. At this point, my staying off my leg isn't a luxury but is mandatory.

Thursday, May 02, 2024


 Welcome to May!

Ready or not, my month of chaos and change has begun. I have no illusions about the weeks ahead. The days are going to be busy and emotional as we prepare for graduations, birthdays and retirements. As somebody who does not readily embrace change, the next weeks are going to beat me into submission. 

It feels appropriate that our dumpster was delivered yesterday. I was gobsmacked by the level of my own enthusiasm as I saw the beast being backed into our driveway. I legit giggled and squealed like a girl at a Backstreet Boys concert when I realized the amount of junk we were going to be able to purge from our home. After living here for nearly 2 decades we have accumulated an obscene amount of stuff. 

From baby toys to broken bed frames, every recess in our house has been utilized for storage. It will be really nice to get some breathing room back, even if it is in preparation for a move. I thought it might be difficult to get rid of the baby items but I'm ready. I realized that by the time I will need another pack and play I am sure the one I saved will be eroded. I'm also sure that the technology and safety features will be vastly different than my decades old version that was stowed in a dank garage. 

Scott, Robby and I immediately began to toss the junk into the dumpster. We have two weeks to purge 2 decades of crap. I think this is a challenge we are up to.

Maybe this is what 50 will be like- becoming overly enthusiastic about trash removal?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 I spent much of yesterday afternoon hobbling around my house while cursing my prosthesis. It hurts. I've lost so much weight that it no longer fits. My make-shift pads, which had been keeping comfortable and mobile, no longer seem to be working. I know that I need another socket, but the thought of adding appointments to my already overflowing schedule is overwhelming. 

Of course, not being able to walk is more inconvenient, so we will see. Ideally I would like to wait until school is over before starting the process but I am not sure I'm going to be able to wait. I've given myself a deadline of tonight to make a decision. If I can figure out another configuration of pads throughout the day, I'll be able to delay the process. But if the pain continues, I'm going to make the call. I hate the process, but I detest not being able to walk more.

The sudden heat yesterday did not help my socket issues. The temperatures spiked into the 90s which added sweat to the occasion. Between the sores, the pinching and the heat, I was miserable with every step. Hopefully today will be better.

Monday, April 29, 2024


 This past weekend has been busy albeit quasi-productive. I needed an additional day (or two) if I were to accomplish everything that I had on my to-do list, but unfortunately the calendar does not follow my needs. I am becoming better at reducing my own expectations but I am still frustrated that I didn't get more done despite being constantly busy.

On Saturday I spent the afternoon selling FlexyFriends at a woefully under-attended event. The hours moved slow as I sat in a vending hall with fellow exhibitors patiently waiting for people who never showed up. Because the crowds never materialized, I didn't feel guilty packing up and heading home an hour early. Leaving early allowed me to help Robby get ready for prom, which was a far better use of my time than sitting around waiting for non-sales.

As Robby was dressing he remembered that we never picked up cuff links for his new shirt. Semi-panicked, he hopped onto the computer and 3d printed a pair of Batman cuff links for prom. They printed in 14 minutes and worked like a charm!  

Decked out in a new suit and cool new cuff links, Robby headed out for prom. He had a fabulous time! He danced and laughed throughout the night with his friends. I know that it was a night that he will always remember, and I'm glad that I was able to see him before he left. 

Yesterday I spent the day cleaning, working and organizing around the house. I probably would have accomplished more had my leg been cooperative, but three separate sores have conspired against my mobility. My limb is not happy right now despite being covered in blister Band-Aids.  I really don't have the time to handle limb issues.