About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, April 01, 2022

Limb Loss Awareness Month

 Happy Limb Loss Awareness Month!

You didn't know that was a thing? That's okay. Most people don't! 

Just about every disability, disease and cause has a designated "month" which is used as a platform to promote a dialog. Considering that I discuss limb loss issues daily, the designation of an entire month will have little impact on my activities. Honestly, I find the constant designation of awareness months to be both overwhelming and redundant. I understand the reasoning, but I question the impact against the efforts and resources invested.

Regardless, April is "my month." Consider yourself aware.

Thursday, March 31, 2022


Yesterday was cool and sunny. Today it is drab and muggy. We are expecting heavy storms with damaging winds this afternoon and tonight. Welcome to springtime in Virginia. 

This has been one of those weeks where I feel like I'm chasing my own tail. I've had 3x the normal number of Zoom calls which has caused a domino effect on the rest of my time. Because I haven't had time to tidy up during the week, my house now looks like a clutter disaster zone. I continue to be amazed at how quickly organization can dissolve into chaos when left unattended. 

I really wish I had more help with the housework. Is it okay to admit that? I feel like I am the only person who sees the blankets strewn across the floor, the toys piled on the table and chairs and dirty laundry in just about every room. Friend, whom I love dearly, has a propensity for stealing socks and underpants. I have found chewed undergarments in every room of this house. 

Sigh. I think this is a battle for another day. Right now, I need to get ready for another Zoom.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Eating Mice

Friend has enriched our lives in the five months since he came into our home. He makes everybody smile. His cuddles are enough to brighten the hardest of days and the excitement that he exudes upon seeing us enter a room is always uplifting. (When you are the parent it is nice to have someone excited to see you.) 

While I love having Friend as part of our family, it hasn't all been sunshine and tail wagging. I've discovered that dog ownership is not for the faint of heart. Or, more specifically, it isn't for those with a weak stomach. For such a little pup he has managed to discover and gnaw on some gnarly things.

A few weeks ago he scooped a flattened frog off of the center of the road. I only knew that he had it in his mouth because I spied the stiff bent legs protruding from both sides of his clamped down mouth. He refused to let go of his prize upon command. Much like my children, he is not yet obedient. I pried open Friend's mouth so that Timmy could fling the amphibian like a Frisbee by the stiff flattened frog leg. This entire scene transpired against the backdrop of my retching.

Last night Friend took a leap into a leaf pile during our evening walk. He emerged with a white tail dangling out of his snout. I immediately screamed which caused Friend to release his treasure. He had a mouse. By the time I processed what I saw he had re-scooped and clamped down on his snack. 

I could not get him to let go of the mouse, which at this point he was thoroughly enjoying. I handed off the leash and began to vomit behind the wood pile.  In an effort to retrieve the mouse Scott picked up Friend, held him upside down and moved him up and down like a plunger. By the time he finally released the mouse I had emptied the entire contents of my stomach. 

At this point, I'm not looking forward to the treasures that Friend will discover during the summer.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Allergy Itching

 These seasonal allergies are throwing me for a loop. As if the sore eyes and running nose weren't uncomfortable enough, my skin has become itchy to the point of my scratching like a junkyard dog. I have been taking antihistamines and lotions to help, but they only mask the first layer of symptoms.

Saturday morning I woke up to discover that my limb was scratched raw. Trying to wear a liner and prosthesis over an open scratch wound is uncomfortable to the 5th degree. I tried to position a layer of gauze between my wound and the sticky silicone liner so I could walk with moderate success. I was able to get around but my steps were both tender and cautious. 

After getting my liner situated over my open scratches, I immediately cut my nails. I had been trying to grow them out, but I worried that I would keep scratching in my sleep. Until the allergies subside, I am safer with short nails (even if the look isn't fashionable.)