I haven't been able to locate my snow boot which has been frustrating. I know it was one of the final items I threw into a box, but that information has not proven helpful. Eventually I'll find my snow boot, but in the meantime I'm going to be tethered to the cleared asphalt and out of the fun.
Even though I haven't been able to participate, I have fully enjoyed this recent snowfall. Watching Timmy and Robby play each evening has become a nightly spark of happiness. The "Chenoweth Brothers" have taken to nightly romps in the snow. Between exploring the woods, having snowball battles and sledding, they have been thoroughly enjoying the flakes. I swear the smile on Hamlet's face when he is playing with his brother is bright enough to melt the snow!
Unfortunately the nightly snow fun is going to come to an abrupt end on Sunday night when Robby goes back to school. I swear I thought he had longer! (I really do need to get a new wall calendar because I'm going to be hopeless without one.) We are all going to miss him, but I suspect that Timmy will be especially sad.