About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, September 13, 2024


 While I have been busy with my day job, Scott has been working towards getting us ready to move. Because the weather has been gorgeous he has taken the opportunity to rake out the flower beds, trim the bushes and clear out the woods. Timmy has been more than happy to assist his efforts by constructing and overseeing a fire pit each evening after school. 

Unfortunately, Scott tweaked his back while raking. I ended up tucking him into bed with ibuprofen and two ice packs. Hopefully his muscles will have relaxed overnight so that he can be comfortable again. Even when the pain wanes, he is out of the cleaning line-up for the foreseeable future. Getting old stinks!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11 traditions

 Today is September 11.  

Traditionally each year we have baked cookies and delivered them to our local firehouse to honor the events of 9/11. I began this tradition when Robby was 5 months old and I was trying to come up with a way to explain the significance of the day without evoking fear. While we are baking the cookies we always discuss the heroes that rose up during that horrible morning. It's an odd tradition I admit, but it has worked for us.

This year Robby is honoring 9/11 on his college campus. To say that I miss him this morning would be a massive understatement. While I know that he is where he needs to be, I miss him. His absence is especially noticeable this morning when he would typically be helping me measure flour and crack eggs. I know that Timmy is going to miss him this morning when he has to deliver the cookies by himself. (He becomes very shy.)

This is the 19th year that I have baked cookies with the kids on September 11th. Timmy set out all of the ingredients last night in anticipation of baking this morning. Our local firehouse will be expecting our yearly visit.  I recognize that skipping this year is not  an option although I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that my heart is not in.

I continue to struggle with anger and frustration with the police establishment. My brother was murdered by a police officer, somebody who swore an oath to protect him. The good will that was established by the visits of "Officer Friendly" through my childhood evaporated the moment the murderer with a badge pulled the trigger. 

Honoring all "first responders" feels disingenuous this year. I've learned all too intimately that wearing a badge does not define somebody as a good person. Politically incorrect as it may be, I don't want to and I will not honor the police. As far as I'm concerned, the police can bake their own damn cookies and choke them down with their qualified immunity.

I am continuing to bake and deliver the cookies today because I believe it is important for Timmy to honor 9/11. Our baking dialog this year will focus on the fire fighters and the everyday heroes that helped on that horrible day. We are delivering the cookies to our local firehouse because I appreciate the efforts of our volunteer force. However, I am delivering the cookies after 4 pm today because the police officers the firehouse at 3 pm. I'm delighted that our cookies will be enjoyed exclusively by members of the fire department this year.

I waffled about what to do this year but I landed on upholding our tradition.  Perhaps next year I will hold a different perspective. I pray that is the case because I don't like feeling this angry and distrustful every single time I see a badge. In the meantime, I feel good about honoring our fire department while bypassing the 'men and women in blue.'

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More Prep

 The temperatures have begun to plummet, leaving frost on the grass and forcing the leaves to begin to cascade from their branches. I love autumn at our house. Although I am excited to move and to create a fresh start, I will miss our beautiful views when the leaves begin to change. Our yard and neighborhood are gorgeous when the leaves change into their autumn outfits. 

Today the dumpster will be removed, although Scott and I have agreed that we will need to order another before our move is complete. (In our defense, about half of this dumpster is filled with the carpet that we ripped up in the basement, not our clutter.) With the large broken furniture removed, I feel like we are making huge progress towards our move. 

With the dumpster full and the weather cooperating, Scott has turned his efforts to landscaping.  He spent the day looping small branches and cleaning out flower beds. Timmy has been more than happy to 'help' our efforts by burning the yard debris in fire fit. Our yard has not looked this nice since we moved in nearly 20 years ago.

After work today we will go and pick out new flooring for the basement. It feels like it is getting real!

Monday, September 09, 2024

Laid Back but Fun

The weather this weekend was amazing. The temperatures were warm but not hot, the sun was a happy yellow against a bright blue sky and the bugs have already begun to dissipate. We took full advantage and spent the majority of the weekend outside playing and burning sticks in the fire pit. (Timmy was especially happy with the fire pit, which is among his favorite activities.)

We began our fun outdoor 'staycation' on Friday afternoon as soon as school was over. We packed up Friend, picked up food from McDonald's and drove to the local park for a picnic. I'm honestly not sure who was more excited with a picnic at the park, Timmy or Friend. While Timmy munched on fries and a cheeseburger, Friend was happily chasing every squirrel and random moving leaf in the park. 

Timmy and Friend spent Saturday was spent playing around the yard and burning sticks in the fire pit. Scott and I worked in the basement and garage, trying to sort the junk from the memories. We have made a lot of progress, but I have to admit that I was unprepared for the emotions involved. As I was packing up the games for donation, I found myself overwhelmed with memories and sentiments. Thankfully some s'mores on the fire pit were the perfect remedy for my tears.

Sunday I drove to visit Robby for lunch. It was wonderful to see him, to hear about his friends and his classes and to spend a few hours away from campus. He is doing well and I could not be more proud. That being said, I miss his daily presence around our house. I know I will get used to the new living situation, but that doesn't mean it is easy.