About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 A few weeks ago during an extremely chaotic moment in the kitchen, Timmy asked me an odd question. "Momom, what is something that you never thought you'd experience in your lifetime?"  It was a fabulous question! If it hadn't been posed while my hand was up a chicken's bum and the cat wasn't trying to knock the potatoes off the counter, I would have provided a thoughtful answer. Instead, in an attempt to quiet the kitchen and make my food loving kiddo happy, I said microwavable ramen. 

Throughout the week he came to me to randomly discuss the attributes of microwavable ramen. 1. You don't have to dirty another dish. 2. You don't need to measure the water. 3. It is easier for kids to make by themselves. Yep, microwave ramen has it all. 

Discussing the wonders of microwave ramen did not tip me off to anything unusual. I did become concerned when I received an email, inviting parents to view the "Advances in Our Generation" classroom presentation. I felt a panic wash over me when I logged in to watch the show.

The first classmate presented on the artificial organs. Another talked about living on the International Space Station. A third talked about carrying a computer in your pocket. A fourth talked about the advances and potential of AI. Timmy finished out his group with a wonderful presentation on the world-shattering advance of microwavable ramen- complete with a self-made cellphone video of him demonstration its preparation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Yesterday morning I woke up in a panic as I realized that our taxes were due.  The chaos of my brother's death made trying to navigate TurboTax unnecessarily frustrating in April, so I opted for the October extension. We've always known that the deadline was looming but, as it always seems to happen in our family, life intervenes and we became busy. Thankfully we still made the filing deadline (with 13 hours to spare) and a crisis was averted.

It probably doesn't need to be said, but I hate filing taxes.

While I was working through the forms, Timmy returned to school after his fall break. He had a great time but I think he was happy to be reunited with his friends. He chatted through much of his lunch break and was late logging out of school because he was "hanging with his homies." His interest and enthusiasm for school has been growing as the year progresses. He loves his new teacher and his classmates. I'm glad that we will be able to keep him in the program when we move because it will be something stable and familiar.

With the taxes filed, today we will return our attention to packing.  Wish us luck!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekend Wrap-Up

While Robby and Scott were in Richmond at "Nightmare Weekend" I took Timmy (and Friend of course) to visit with my Mom. I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to shower Timmy with the activities and attention that he loves by planning a special weekend for him. Filled with surprise adventures, nearly everything was curated to his interests.

On Friday morning my sister and I swept Timmy away on his first adventure of the weekend: a trip to the corn maze and pumpkin patch. While he didn't finish the corn maze because Timmy quickly decided to forgo to 'stamp hunting' element of the activity. Opting instead to ditch the match and just meander through the stalks, we eventually escaped when we found our way back to the entrance. After the wagon ride to the pumpkin patch and a turn at the pumpkin blaster, we piled back into the car and returned to my Mom's house.

In the evening my sister bundled up Timmy in warmer clothes and surprised him with a trip to Hershey Park. Going to the amusement park with my sister is among Timmy's favorite activities. He had a blast! While he was busy with Sheri, I was able to relax with my Mom and go out for a quiet dinner.

On Saturday my Mom and I took Timmy to a ginormous all-you-can-eat buffet. He was in awe of the gastro delicacies laid out before him when he walked into the food complex. He vowed to get his money's worth and he did not disappoint. Saturday night my sister and I took Timmy to an immersive Halloween play. This was his first live theater experience and he was enthralled (and spooked). 

Sunday morning I took Timmy to Dave and Busters where we played until he finally won another large pickle. We also visited the Halloween store and enjoyed some cheese fries before returning to my Mom's to pack up. What a great weekend!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Going Home

Yesterday was busy yet productive. After work I managed to pack and stow three more boxes. While the progress is slower than I would like, the impact is starting to be felt. My house looks so much bigger with all of our items packed away. I've come to the conclusion that we either need more space or fewer things.

Packing (and real life) will take a backseat this weekend. Robby and Scott are heading down to Richmond to work at the Nightmare Richmond ComicCon-type event. The pair are excited for their three-day marathon selling adventure. Rob missed going to the last 'con' event because it was held during his first week at college. Thankfully this horror themed event corresponds with his autumn break, allowing him to attend.

While they are busy in Richmond, I'm taking Timmy to visit my Mom. It has been too long since I have been able to visit her and I'm looking forward to the escape. I have lots of plans for mini-adventures over the weekend, but I'm also looking forward to some down time. I could use a really good night sleep, and for some reason, I always seem to find it when visiting my Mom.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024


 I wish I could write a blog highlighting my productivity over the past 24 hours.  Unfortunately, yesterday my body was sore and my mind was busy with work. The moving boxes stayed unfolded and unpacked, waiting for another day. Hopefully I'll be able to resume today and keep the momentum going. I really want to get out of this house!

Although we didn't get anything else packed, I did manage to take the trash to the dump. Clearing 7 contractor sized garbage bags out of my living room feels amazing. Between the clutter being purged and my possessions being boxed, I am learning to embrace the minimalist lifestyle. 

Wish me luck packing!

Monday, October 07, 2024


 I am waking up extraordinarily sore. Every single muscle is yelling at me, chastising my efforts over the past two days. While my body is angry, I'm delighted with the results. While everybody else was watching TV and/or playing computer games, I managed to pack my entire dining and living rooms. 12 boxes are carefully stowed Tetris style against a wall and 7 contractor garbage bags are awaiting delivery to the dump. I feel like I made a lot of progress towards our move.

I wonder how much would be done if I weren't working alone? Sigh. I digress...

After packing through the morning and early afternoon I was ready for a break. Robby has midterms this week and was eager to return to the dorm a little earlier than normal. This will be a shortened week for him because his fall break starts on Thursday, just in time for him and his dad to work at the ComicCon event in Richmond. 

We are definitely in the busy season!

Friday, October 04, 2024

Packing Up

This morning I woke up to a full house. Robby has come home to visit (and to pack up his collection) for the weekend. Rob was fortunate to not have any classes on Friday, allowing him to carve out longer weekends. While I know it will be brief, it is fantastic having him home. I love having a full house!

Although I would love to let him relax and just play video games, I do need Robby to get some work done over the next few days. His WWII collection is robust and representative of all sides from the conflict. There are many items that feature insignias that are not representative of our values and that we personally find vile. Despite our aversion to the symbols, the historical significance of the artifact remains intact. Because I appreciate the feelings of disgust that are conjured when the symbols are viewed, I want everything packed up before we have workers in to ready the house. 

In addition to packing up his collection, Robby will be working at the "HalloThanksMas" event in Warren County, VA. We have no idea what to expect, but the weather is supposed to cooperate with this outdoor event. Fingers crossed for sales!