About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Another UTI

 After a few weeks off, tomorrow we are back to selling FlexyFriends. Scott and Timmy are heading to a local mall for a one-day event while Robby and I showcase our wares at a craft show in Maryland. With college tuition looming around the corner, I'm eager to take as many selling opportunities as possible! Both events are only a single day so we will be able to celebrate Father's Day at home.

I have not been feeling great this week courtesy of a nasty UTI. Despite my best intentions, I just didn't drink adequately at the World War II event this past weekend. I tried to fight it off on my own but on Wednesday I waved the white flag and contacted a doctor for antibiotics. I'm feeling better now, just very worn out from the infection.

When I finally decided it was time to seek treatment I tried to schedule an appointment with my doctor. I was frustrated that there were no openings until Friday (today). My searching led me to Amazon medical, where I was able to fill out an intake form and send it to a licensed doctor. I paid the $30 fee and 5 minutes later the antibiotics were called into my pharmacy.  It was cheaper, easier and considerably faster than using my own health insurance. Who knew!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The 'Brotherhood'

I know that there was no chance of navigating my brother's killing unscathed and unchanged. It has been two months and we are still fighting for scraps of information. The Texas Rangers, who are leading the 'impartial investigation' thus far have only been interested in soliciting negative information about Jae from me and other family members. 

It feels like they are building a case that Jae deserved to be shot. It does not matter that he was an addict and could be a real prick when using. He was unarmed, blind and in a wheelchair. Why did he have to be shot in the neck and killed? I have no faith that the 'impartial investigation' will bring any true resolution, information and certainly not justice. 

The badge protects itself. After all, it is called a 'brotherhood' for a reason. I discovered that there were 22 police killings in the state of Texas in April alone. Jae is simply more paperwork in their system. The scores of unreturned phone calls from every contact, including the "victims advocate" is another brick in their institutional fortress of protection. 

While I know in my heart that all cops aren't bad, I'm really struggling right now to remind myself of that reality. Each time I see a badge I want to scream and rage. I hope that my anger subsides with time because I don't like feeling this way.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 There were a few marked differences during this year's World War II event. Because the weekend also coincided with the 80th anniversary of D-Day, many of the antique war birds were flying at other events. The airshow suffered slightly by the lighter roster but it was still fun to watch them soar.  I saw many of the veterans on TV being interviewed in France so I was not surprised that the speaking roster was also a little light. What surprised me the most was the quality and type of items being proudly sold by the vendors.

When Robby and I started to attend the weekend nearly 10 years ago, anything with a swastika was original to the time period and held a story. I have never liked seeing the Nazi items for sale but have come to accept the historical value of the items. Vendors who sold these items always did so with respect, covering the symbols with stickers etc. to avoid promoting associated ideology. 

The Nazi items on sale this weekend were not old, not concealed and held no historical value. I was gobsmacked seeing a 4 foot rayon 'Made in Vietnam" swastika flag right next to the meet the survivors table. This brand new flag was being sold for modern use, not for historical preservation. Throughout the vendor tents we found brand new nazi propoganda for sale, much of it updated and repurposed for modern times.

I'm worried that our World War II weekend is slowly starting to become a Right Wing meeting event. I pray I am wrong.

Monday, June 10, 2024

World War II Weekend Wrap-Up

 We had an amazing weekend away at my Mom's and the World War II Weekend. After all of the excitement and celebrations of the past week, it was fun to keep the revelry going for a few more days. The weather was gorgeous! In the 10 years that we have been attending the event, I don't think I remember the weather being as ideal as it was over the past few days. 

Unlike other years, Timmy attended this year's event. Although he isn't terribly interested in military history, he is a huge fan of his big brother. If it catches Robby's interest, it must be worthy of his time and exploration. Timmy delighted in exploring the planes with Robby, probably because the pair went into the crafts by themselves. I'm fairly certain that Timmy would follow Robby anywhere and would come out the other end bearing a huge smile. 

After a fun five day getaway, this morning we are back to reality. Of course, since I am the only one in the house with a job or responsibilities at the moment, I suppose I am the only person who has returned to any sort of reality. I'm up working while all of the boys are sleeping.  Friend, who I know to be loyal to an offer of a walk and a treat, ventured out to join me this morning. Even he is getting ready to fall back asleep. I guess the weekend of playing at his Nana's house has even tuckered him out!