About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hello from NYC

Hello from NYC!

Yesterday was chaotic and exciting as Scott and I traveled from VA to NYC for our midweek getaway. In the morning we made sure that Robby was set up to hold down the fort by himself for a few days before we packed up and headed to Pennsylvania. While Robby is house and dog sitting, Timmy is hanging out with my mom and sister. Much to his chagrin and despite his pleas, we did not agree that he was old enough to stay home with Robby. After grabbing a quick dinner for the train, we hopped onto the Amtrak and headed to Penn Station.

We arrived in the city around 8, which allowed us time to check in and walk around Time Square for a few hours. It was a really nice evening! Today we are going to explore before heading to the Billy Joel concert. I am ridiculously excited for this show! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 In an effort to thwart getting sick(er), I spent much of yesterday trying to hydrate and rest. Over the past week this virus has traveled to every member of the family and it seems that I am its last victim. Thankfully I've got some good 'Mom Immunity' going. The virus that forced Scott into bed for three days is keeping me uncomfortable but fully functional. 

I'm feeling better today which is quite a relief because we have big plans afoot. This afternoon Scott, Timmy and I will head to PA while Robby and Friend stay in Virginia. We are going to drop Timmy off at my Mom's house before heading to the train station. Our final destination is New York City for the Billy Joel concert tomorrow.

My Mom bought us tickets to Billy Joel's final concert at Madison Square Garden for Christmas and, months of patiently waiting, the day has finally arrived. I am ridiculously excited! The concert is tomorrow but, after much discussion, we decided to extend our trip an extra day so that we can relax and thoroughly unwind. 

Unfortunately we made the decision to extend our trip after our original plans had been cemented. We couldn't get another night at the hotel I booked for the concert so we were forced to make a reservation at a different property. We will have to switch hotels tomorrow morning but, since Scott and I travel light, it won't be a problem. 

NYC, here we come!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 After a weekend of vomiting and feeling lousy, yesterday Timmy woke up feeling happy and well. After consuming a banana without becoming ill he proclaimed his good health and started to ask about his Hibachi do-over date. True to our promise and despite my recommendation that we wait for another day to allow more time for his stomach to settle, we ended up going out for Hibachi last night. I have never known a kid to delight in a meal experience as much as Timmy adores Hibachi. 

While Timmy feels better, this morning I woke up feeling icky. I'm going to take a nap in the hopes that I can sleep off whatever is bothering me. I have a lot going on this week and I can't afford to be sick!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Rockets and Hibachi

So much for the best laid plans. I was looking forward to spending the weekend outside with Timmy and Friend because we have been forced inside for so much of the summer.  With a forecast calling for cooler temperatures, I had Timmy ready his rockets for launching. This weekend was going to be fun, busy and spent outside. 

Instead, I spent the weekend inside nursing Timmy back to health. He woke up vomiting and with a high fever. He was devastated that we were not going to launch rockets or go to hibachi, although he agreed that he would not enjoy either experience in his current condition. I tucked my little guy into bed, turned on Spongebob and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

While Timmy was sleeping and recovering, I was able to concentrate on my work project. I accomplished so much over the weekend that I'm starting the new week feeling ready to go. (I'm grasping onto that silver living with all my might!) By last night Timmy was starting to feel better. He migrated from the bed to the living room when his fever broke and he even ate a little before going to sleep for the night. 

Hopefully he will wake feeling recovered and ready to go. Unfortunately we are supposed to have rain all day, so the rockets will have to wait another few days before they can fly.