About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Dorm in a Box

 More progress was made towards college preparations. Since Robby is not terribly interested in shopping for dorm supplies, I took matters into my own hands. I found a 'dorm in a box' kit online and, after I had Robby choose his colors and work through the other options, I abandoned all visions of strolling through Target with my son and hit purchase now online. Since Rob did not want to go shopping, it seemed like the best option. 

With the dorm supplies en route, there is no denying that we are coming to the final countdown. I can't believe that he leaves for college in 10 days! My heart hurts when I think about it, but it simultaneously leaps with excitement. I know that he is going to have a wonderful time, but I am going to miss him dearly.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Getting Ready

 With the calendar turning last week, all attention has shifted towards Robby. Much like me, he is afraid of change. He leaves for college in about two weeks and to describe him as scared would do a disservice. Per his request, we have kept collegiate talk to a minimum until August. Now that the month has arrived, there he can no longer avoid the topic. 

He is petrified, excited, and anxious all jumbled together. I look into his eyes and I can feel his fear.  I remember being nearly paralyzed with fear as I readied for college. Despite being scared, I also knew that it was the right move to make. I understand his terror, but I also have the perspective of knowing that he is going to be okay.

Yesterday Robby discovered his roommate assignment deep in an email system he didn't know existed. I suspect that his assigned roommate is in a similar situation and perhaps does not know that Residence Life is already communicating through campus email. (In that vein they will be completely compatible!) We are encouraging Robby to text his new roommate, but he is apprehensive to make the first move. I'm uncertain about how much to push him, but it would be nice to know if we need to bring a refrigerator and microwave.

Monday, August 05, 2024


 A few evenings ago I was in the tub, listening to an audio book and trying to escape into the bubbles. Despite my warning that I was taking a bath and the request to be left alone, the knocking on the door began about five minutes after I submerged. It turns out that Timmy wanted a toothbrush. 

I asked him to wait until I was done in the tub, but his knocking became more persistent. 

"No Momom. Please. Let Daddy just grab the blue toothbrush on the shelf. I need it real quick,"

My interest was piqued. Why did he so desperately need a toothbrush, and why the blue one specifically? I was curious, but certainly not enough to stop my bath. I popped some bubbles and settled back for a few minutes of relaxation. And then, as if I was shocked into reality, I realized that the 'blue' toothbrush he was describing was mine.

"Timmy," I called from my quickly cooling bubble oasis. "The blue toothbrush is mine. What are you doing with my toothbrush?"

He started to become panicked as he explained that he wasn't using my blue toothbrush but the 'other one.' Looking from my perch in the tub, I could clearly see that there was only one blue toothbrush. With my bath retreat ruined over the prospect of what was brewing, I wiped away the bubbles and got dressed.

As soon as opened the door Timmy was ready to explain. He immediately grabbed the toothbrush, my toothbrush, and asked me to follow him to his bedroom. Without missing a beat he put the blue toothbrush, my toothbrush, into the cat's mouth. 

He read that a cat is reminded of their mother if you gently massage their gums with a toothbrush. He has been doing it nightly to bond with them. Timmy has been brushing the cat's teeth with my toothbrush for weeks.  

There isn't enough Listerine to make my mouth feel fresh today.