About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, June 28, 2024


 This morning we are packing up and heading to Ohio for Scott's family picnic. While I'm not looking forward to the long drive with bickering kids, it will be nice to see everybody again. Because of schedule conflicts it has been several years since we attended the picnic. I know how much my kids have changed, it will be nice to catch up with everybody else.

Wish me luck


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Insurance Shopping

Because of Scott's retirement we find ourselves looking for health insurance for the family. In full disclosure, this is my first time actually shopping for health insurance for myself. I have helped countless of patients over the years shop policies, especially on the exchange, but we have always been fortunate enough to have employer provided health insurance. Knowing that it couldn't be avoided any longer, yesterday morning I poured an extra large mug of coffee and started to shop. 

Wanting some information from following links online, I admit to filling out two different forms. On each I provided my Google phone number because it is easy to track and dismiss the spam. Within 2 minutes of submitting the first form, my home phone and my personal cell phone started to ring in tandem. Obviously, either my email or my home address are linked to phone numbers in telemarketer systems. It became so intrusive that we ended up taking the home phone off the hook for nearly the entire day!

After four hours and two pots of coffee, I think that health insurance has been procured. (We have applied and are awaiting acceptance.) Hopefully this policy will be a stop gap measure until we move in a few months. After we become settled, hopefully Scott will reenter the job market (in a part time capacity) working part time for insurance.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Yesterday was another scorcher so I tried to avoid going out into the heat as much as possible. When I did venture outside, my leg would begin to piston within my liner within minutes of being hit by the heat. Despite all of my best efforts I continued to sweat out of my liner each time I walked Friend. Thankfully those walks were short because my little buddy is not a fan of the heat either. 

Because it was simply too hot to do anything outside, we stayed in for much of the day. I know that the kids (especially Timmy) are becoming bored but our options are rather limited. I'd love to take him out to expel some energy but I am still worried about him falling and injuring his arm. The doctor released him with the caveat that he not run or fall until the Fourth of July. With rollerskating, tumbling, running, and park fun off his activity list it is hard to come up with fun and engaging options-especially in this heat. 

Trying to keep Timmy tamed has turned into a Herculean task this summer. He's bored and lets us all know. I've been trying to find a creative avenue to absorb some interest and energy as he continues to heal, and yesterday I think I may have found a solution. (Or at least a stay from being bored.) 

Timmy is learning to create and edit his own videos. He had a blast filming and editing throughout the day. Hopefully this will keep his interest (and he may learn a few things) until he can resume his rough and tumble lifestyle.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Heat Wave

 Oh my goodness, this past weekend has been so hot! I am not made for triple number temperatures. I have a feeling that this summer is shaping up to be a scorcher.  Because we are planning to move we opted to not put up the small pool this year. Hopefully by next year we'll be able to chill out in an in-ground pool at our new house. In the meantime, it will be Popcicles and hiding out in the air conditioning. 

We have not made nearly as much progress towards moving as I had hoped. Scott retired three weeks ago and his plans for projects have not yet materialized. I understand that he is still relaxing and unwinding, but time is starting to tick away. I think I'm going to allow him to live a vacation lifestyle until we return from his mother's house. After that point, we really need to kick everything into gear. 

Because of the heat I wasn't able to do a lot outside, but I did made a lot of progress in my living room. Items have been packed and organized or thrown away. I went through the boxes that Scott brought home when he retired and organized his notebooks into a moving box. It's nice to have less clutter and more boxes around.

I'm going to continue to chip away at packing, but I know that there is only so much we can do. I really need Scott to come out of vacation mode and start focusing on moving. In the meantime, hopefully we can stay cool until this heat wave finally breaks.