About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, July 19, 2024


The heat this summer has been unreal. Even after I thoroughly spray down my limb with antiperspirant spray I often begin to sweat out of my liner within an hour.  Being surrounded by hot air is already miserable. Add a slippery foot to the equation and I tend to avoid the environment altogether. I really miss having a pool. Sigh.

While I am not made for summer, I am thoroughly loving these cooler temperatures. Friend, Timmy and I were able to escape outside for several hours, enjoying the cooler air. The next few days are supposed to be on the cooler side and I intend to enjoy the opportunity. I'm tired of hibernating from the heat!

Timmy has been spending the past few days 3d printing rockets to launch. I think today might be the perfect opportunity to go to the park and see if they can fly. I feel badly that we haven't done a lot of fun activities this summer. I know that it has been a relatively boring summer for Timmy but with everything going on it is difficult to carve out fun. Today will be that day!

Unfortunately I'll be enjoying playing outside without Scott, who is in bed with Covid. Although he feels crummy his case appears to be relatively mild and hopefully he will be fully recovered by the end of the weekend. In the meantime, I see a lot of television binging and afternoon naps in his future. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 After a sweltering streak, the heat has finally broken. Yesterday afternoon the skies opened up and a cold downpour thoroughly soaked everything for nearly an hour. Timmy and I, both eager for something fun to do and to cool off, happily ran into the rain to play. We were thoroughly drenched by the time we came inside, but it was a lot of fun.

This morning the temperatures are already 20 degrees cooler. Friend, who has been miserable in the heat, was happy and prancing when he felt the temperature difference. I know that it isn't going to last, but my goodness I appreciate the reprieve. I am not made for summer.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Richard Simmons

It is strange how a celebrity death can feel like a personal loss. Over the weekend Richard Simmons passed away and I must admit that I am genuinely sad. Although I've never met the aerobics guru, his tapes became an important part of my daily routine during a very difficult time of my life. 

Graduate school was a difficult time for me. I had moved to another region of the country without knowing a single person. Unlike undergrad school, where I quickly formed friendships, I discovered that dorm life changed significantly between the two universities. I was incredibly lonely.

I was so lonely that I began to play Richard Simmons tapes in my room just because he was so upbeat and motivating. When I felt like I was spiraling into loneliness, I grasped onto him promising that he believed in me, and that I could do it. Between the zippy music, the fun moves and his motivating commentary, Richard Simmons' tapes became the background to my graduate school experience. In my mind, the two are forever entwined. 

Richard has been out of the spotlight for many years although he had made a quick return to social media. His posts of motivation and wild self-acceptance always brought a smile to my face. When I heard that he had passed I was truly shocked. The world has lost a great cheerleader at a time when they are desperately needed.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Nellie Jo

 Although my Mom swore that she was never going to adopt another dog after her beloved Yayo crossed over the Rainbow Bridge last month, she has been scrolling through rescue websites for several weeks. Late last week she became interested in a 3 year old goldendoodle named Nellie Jo and was delighted when the pup was going to be at a rescue event on Saturday. While Timmy thoroughly enjoyed swimming Friday afternoon, the highlight of his weekend was accompanying his Nana to the dog rescue on Saturday.

Nellie's tail immediately began to wag when my Mom bent down to pet her. The bond between the two was instant and palpable. Nellie Jo needed my Mom and, in many ways, my Mom needs Nellie. Holding the leash on Saturday was the first time I have seen my Mom authentically smile since learning about my brother's death in April. Having found each other, Nellie curled next to Timmy for the long ride back to her new home. 

We stayed for a few hours after bringing Nellie to her new home. Introducing Nellie to a new home, her new sibling (my sister's dog Marco) and a canine cousin (Friend) was a lot of fun. She was cautious but it did not take long for the puppies to start whirling and racing around my Mom's back yard. I have a feeling that she will be fully acclimated by the next time we visit.

While I was in Pennsylvania visiting my Mom, Scott and Robby were busy selling at a local mall. The pair were busy but thankful that the event was indoors and air conditioned. In this heat, nobody wants to be outside! The heat wave is supposed to resume today, which means my hibernation shall continue. I am really not made for summer!