About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Happy Birthday Robby

 Happy Birthday Robert (formerly known as Robby)!  

I cannot believe that 18 years ago I first met my sweet little Koopa. It feels like yesterday I was lying in the hospital holding my little baby. This morning he is waking up of legal voting age. Although in the eyes of the law he is officially an adult, he will always be my little boy. 

I feel overwhelmed when I think about the years that have passed and the adventures that we have enjoyed. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that his official 'childhood' has come to an end. Instead of feeling sad for the time that has gone, I'm choosing to bask in the wonderful memories and dream about all of the wonderful adventures to come. 

I've always loved every stage of his development and I thought I would mourn them as he has grown up. But I've learned that the next stage has always unraveled and introduced new elements into our relationship that have been wonderful. I can only assume that the trend will continue as he becomes an adult. 

I am so incredibly proud of the young man that Robby has become. I'm so grateful to be his Mom Mom.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Food Tour

 I was nervous walking into the Gala on Friday evening. Although I bought myself a new dress and Robby looked handsome in his suit, I worried that we were under dressed. Looking around at the other attendees it became clear that the audience was divided into two distinct categories: those for whom Gala attendance is a regular occurrence and those who went to Kohl's for the very prettiest 'fancy' dress they could find. I definitely fit into the second group, but so did most of the other chaperones so I was in good company.

Saturday morning was spent volunteering at a local elementary school. In the afternoon we were able to venture into the French Quarter by ourselves for a little adventure away from the group. We decided to use our free hours by going on a New Orleans Historical Food Tour. We had a blast!

I loved being able to try so many different foods in unique restaurants. Robby thoroughly enjoyed learning about the history of each food as we chowed down. We weren't sure what to expect from a food tour. I worried it would be Costco style samples on a street corner. Instead we were led into private rooms in each restaurant where we were met with full place settings, food and water. It was great to be able to sit down for a few minutes as we ate our way through the French Quarter. 

Sunday morning we packed up, headed to the airport and flew home. It was a quick trip but one that will remain with me forever. What an amazing experience!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 What an incredible weekend in NOLA!

The past few days have been a whirlwind of excitement and experiences that have provided memories for a lifetime. I can't believe how lucky I am to have been able to share this incredible weekend with Robby. The fact that I was able to spend that time with him, in such an incredible space, a mere week before his 18th birthday and graduation, made the weekend even more special. The weekend was busy and was hard on my body but my goodness, it was good for my heart and soul.

We arrived in NOLA on Thursday afternoon, excited for the adventures ahead. After checking in with the organizers and getting settled into our hotel, we prepared for the first event- the cocktail reception. We walked into the reception on a red carpet that was flanked by clapping staff. Talk about making an entrance! 

After doing some socializing, Robby and I took the opportunity to explore the museum which was open for the event. Going through the National World War II museum without a crowd and at our own pace was amazing. Robby was eager to show me all of his favorite exhibits so we spent the next 90 minutes crisscrossing the museum. 

On Friday we attended Robby's award reception.  Watching him cross the stage to receive his honor, flanked by amazing students from across the country, was incredible. I was so proud I almost cried. After his awards luncheon we were able to explore the museum some more before we changed for the evening's Gala event. Haven't never before attended a proper gala, I was very psyched for the experience. From hearing and seeing Steven Spielberg to enjoying the beautiful music from the Philharmonic, it was an evening that we will never forget.

Saturday morning the group rose early and went to a local middle school to volunteer. I worked with the other parents to unkit some hurricane supplies while Robby and the kids built a small playground. In the afternoon we were able to break away and enjoy a food tour in NOLA. 

More on the food trip tomorrow...