About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Robby had a fabulous time at his orientation. Although he was nervous, his excitement was palpable. Slightly introverted, he forced himself to harness "personable Robby" before entering the auditorium for the event. He was personable and outgoing, engaging conversations with the professors and his fellow incoming freshman.  He masked his fear with a smile and took on the challenge. 

While Robby was off choosing classes and working through his itinerary I sat through another "letting go" session before ditching the optional campus tour in lieu of meeting with Financial Aid. I was the first in line and my meeting was done in about 30 minutes. When it was complete and I was heading out the door, the line to enter was already snaking down the hall.  

With the help of his advisor, Robby has both changed his major and chosen his classes. He was originally signed up for Historical Preservation. He learned that historical preservation would train him to work with architects to save and restore historical houses. Instead, he is interested in working in a museum so his major was switched to Historical Preservation Public Education. Instead of restoring the house, Robby is interested in teaching people about what happened inside it and why it is important.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 I spent yesterday trying to stuff my anger back into a box. In the end, I am the only person impacted by their slight and my own reaction. I need to move on. The beginning of releasing the pain is putting it where it belongs- in the past. In this situation, avoidance will be my friend.

Today is an exciting one for Robby because he is going to Shepherd to pick his classes and complete his orientation. I don't know who is more excited- him or me! I'm looking forward to hearing all about his professors and experience but I'd be lying if I wasn't transparent about my own concerns for my day's itinerary. 

While Robby is off doing student admin sessions, I am to tour the campus (again). I am happy to participate wherever required, but it is supposed to be 95 degrees today. Walking around a hilly campus, under the blazing sun in a prosthesis that is fitting 'okayish' is a recipe for disaster. I'm really hoping that there is another option because I'm certain I'm not the only parent dreading the afternoon trek in the heat. 

Regardless of the heat or the activities involved, I'm excited to accompany Robby to his orientation. He has so many new adventures ahead!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Some Families Simply Suck

My reaction to Father's Day took me by surprise this year. I woke early and, as I was sipping on my coffee and slowly starting to begin my work, I began to think about my Dad. As so many things do these days, my thoughts quickly leapfrogged from my Dad to my brother as I envisioned them together again. That fleeting happy image was quickly replaced by the memory that not a single member of my father's family reached out or attended my brother's funeral.

That is where the anger swept over me. Sometimes I become so angry I don't know what to do with all of the emotions. Yesterday was one of those times. My brother died and not a single member of the entire "esteemed" family responded. We didn't receive a single text, card or petal from any of these 'loving family' members at the death of their cousin. 

The slight would have killed my Dad.

F*ck them. 

There is a liberation that comes from wiping an entire group of people out of your life. At least I now know that my family's presence at "family" events is no longer expected. If I were to attend, I'm certain I would no longer feel welcome. For that I am sad, but I am not going to mourn what never existed.