About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, August 23, 2024


 Scott and I have a bit of a secret. This morning we are packing up Timmy (and Friend) and on an adventure. Friend is going to have a sleep over with his puppy cousins (thanks to my Mom) while we take Timmy to the new Great Wolf Lodge in Maryland. Our summer may have been lackluster in terms of activities and adventures, but we are going to go out with a bang!

Per family tradition, Timmy has no idea about our little adventure. I'm planning to pack his bag without his knowledge so that it is a complete surprise when we pull into the hotel. Either way, I know he is going to be elated!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Quick Visit

 Robby has been adjusting and doing well at college. With the exception of feeling lonely in the evenings he has been having a great time. His days are busy with activities and making new friends, but at night he returns to a nearly empty dorm. He has been the only individual in his dorm wing so the nights have been eerily quiet. Thankfully the rest of the students move in today and tomorrow, so the solitude that he dreaded each day will be eradicated.

Tuesday afternoon we loaded up the car with the items that Robby forgot and headed to visit him on campus. Timmy was elated to visit his brother's new school. He was staying with my mom for move-in day and has been struggling to visualize a dormitory. With no frame of reference, understanding where his brother was now living has been difficult.

Today the rest of the student body begins to move-in. I am hoping that Robby continues to make friends and thrive. His college experience is about to get turned on its head (again) and the ride is going to begin as soon as the rooms start to fill. We are still uncertain about his roommate, so I'm anxious to hear if anybody shows up at Robby's room today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mashed Potatoes Breakdown

 The house is very quiet without Robby. He has been keeping in touch by texting throughout the day and video chatting at night, but his presence in the house is deeply missed. I know that it is going to take several weeks for us to settle into our new normal. In the meantime, I am trying to be patient with the emotions that seem to wash over me at the oddest times. 

Yesterday evening, while whipping up some mashed potatoes, I felt myself holding back tears. While evaluating the mashed mixture, I realized that I had made way too many. With Robby away at school, I need to start to cut back on the amount of food that I prepare each day. That realization that he wasn't at home, and that he would be living in the dorm from now on, sent my emotions into a worm hole.

Despite my emotional quagmire, I've been trying to maintain an upbeat demeanor. Yesterday I made the afternoon all about Timmy. We went out for school supplies and a special ice cream treat. He seemed happy with the attention, and I even sensed an enthusiasm for returning to school. After a relatively boring and laid back summer, I think he is ready for the excitement and activity of a school day.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Move-In Day

 I woke up early this morning to a quiet house. After a chaotic, busy and emotionally draining weekend, I am grateful for the solitude. This week is going to be a busy one as we work to settle Robby into college and help prepare Timmy for his start of school next week. It is only Monday and I am already eyeballing Friday afternoon, willing it to come quickly so that I can unplug, decompress and take a well-needed break. I am hoping for an easy week because I am not starting from a position of strength.

Saturday went by like a blur, leaving me in a wash of memories inside a tornado of emotions. After fighting against an administrative mix-up to secure a dorm room, moving in felt like a victory. As the boxes were schlepped up the three floors (no elevator) and piled in his room, the reality started to hit all of us. Robby was moving into his dorm and he would not be coming home with us. 

I'm proud of myself for keeping my emotions in check. I knew that if I broke down, Robby would quickly follow suit. Instead I focused on the excitement of the situation by constantly reminding myself that Robby is embarking on an amazing, life-changing adventure. He is ready and he is going to love it! I kept a cheerful and excited smile on my face as I made his bed and helped ready his room, but my heart felt like it was shattering.

Robby is adjusting well, although he is lonely and still nervous. He will be busy all day with the orientation work which will help to keep him busy and become more comfortable in his new surroundings. The rest of the freshmen, including his roommate, will move into the dorms on Thursday. He has a few days left in a quiet dorm, which I have encouraged him to enjoy. Once the crowds move in, silence will be golden!