About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Sunset of Summer

I am grateful that my leg woes eased after I rested and elevated for a few hours. Walking around with an ill-fitting prosthesis is miserable. While my morning was miserable, I'm so glad that I was able to regain some level of comfort throughout the afternoon and evening.

Today I woke up without pain, ready to tackle the world. Unfortunately the weather is still not cooperating. The skies are grey and the rain is steady. It looks like we are going to be spending the last official day of summer vacation inside. 

It is hard to believe that school starts for the boys on Monday. The summer has passed in a flash. Even though the time passed quickly, I smile when I think of everything that we experienced. From the WWII weekend to our fabulous Fort Lauderdale vacation followed by a Cousin Crew Adventure to Niagara Falls, we definitely created memories to last a lifetime. This was certainly a summer to remember!

I am going to miss the relaxed atmosphere of no due dates, tests or projects. I know that the next few weeks are going to be stressful, but I'm going to keep my head down and just trudge my way through it all. If history is a guide, everything will fall into a functional schedule in about two weeks. Until then, I just need to stay afloat.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bad Socket Day

Usually I wake up early, pop on my leg and start my day. I really don't think a lot about my prosthesis throughout the day. Unless I switch it to swim, I wear it for about 16 hours at a time without adjusting or removing. 

Unfortunately, today is not shaping up to be the norm. I have already adjusted my leg 6 times, and I'm still not comfortable. I don't know why, but it just doesn't fit correctly this morning. Regardless of its position, the socket is pushing and pulling against the nerve bundles in my limb. 

In a rare move, I am now sitting on the couch with my leg removed. I'm hoping that the nerves settle down and that the socket will feel comfortable when I step back into it. Fingers crossed the prosthetic fairies can work their magic while I'm resting!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rainy Day

Another day of high humidity, grey skies and frequent rain showers. In other words, yesterday was yucky. We were stuck inside (again) and the kids are beginning to become antsy. So far they have been content entertaining themselves inside, but I can tell that the grace period is waning. Energy is being rebuilt and soon they will both need an outlet.

I'm hoping that the weather improves soon so we can use our pool again. I really miss swimming with the boys! In the meantime, I have to keep siphoning water out of it so that it doesn't overflow during a downpour. 

I think today I'm going to break up our day with an impromptu dance party. We can't go outside or go anywhere, but we can rock out at home. I think we could all use an energy break and hopefully this will keep the boys from bickering. Fingers crossed my rainy day distraction works!


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Annual Panic

Because it was storming all day, yesterday the boys and I were content to stay at home. Robby and Timmy played games and watched television while I battled through my to-do pile. I know that the boys were both tired because neither one of them complained and both were happy to quietly entertain themselves. 

I hope that the boys continue to relax and rest, because next week everything changes. Their classes start on Monday, which will be another huge transition for all of us. Because of a myriad of reasons, both will continue virtual schooling for at least the first semester. They were successful with the format, but it is definitely more work for me. 

I'm already mildly panicking about how I am going to juggle my jobs, my household responsibilities and my role their as "academic coach." The prospect of having another responsibility to juggle feels completely overwhelming. I keep trying to remind myself that this isn't our first rodeo and that we will manage. 

It helps to recognize that I have felt this overwhelming anxiety and panic before the beginning of every virtual year. After the first few weeks, we have always settled down and fallen into a comfortable, albeit sometimes chaotic, routine. I have no reason to believe that this year will be different.  

At least, that is what I keep reminding myself...

Monday, August 16, 2021


After two solid weeks of travel and adventures, life is slowly returning to normal. On Friday I returned my niece and nephew to Pennsylvania. The house suddenly went from being active and chaotic to quiet within hours. I was sad to see them go, but I have to admit that I was happy for the solitude.

I spent the weekend unwinding and decompressing. We managed to fit so many wonderful adventures into a short two weeks. We were in constant motion and, although we had a fantastic time, I was running on fumes. The past two days I didn't do much of anything, and it was fantastic!

Today I am back to reality. Scott is back at work (students returned on Thursday) and the boys and I are adjusting to our new school schedule. Even though they have one week left of vacation before their classes begin, I feel like we are in full school mode.