I immediately transitioned into a robotic like trance. I made the appropriate family contacts to relay the information. I then grabbed Robby and Black Bear and started the three state drive to the hospital. During the drive I made contact with a friend who agreed to watch Robby so that I could go directly to the hospital. Thank you, Heather.
As I neared the hospital, more facts started to come to light. Jakey was hit by the car after he got out of his family's minivan. The speed limit in the residential neighborhood is 35mph. The police estimate that the car was traveling approximately 45 mph. The driver didn't see the precocious toddler.
I forced myself to maintain my composure while driving. Robby heard me tell a family member that Jake was hit by a car, and he immediately began to cry. Even my little boy knew that the situation was serious. After Robby was distracted and stopped sobbing, I knew that I needed to avoid talking about the incident within his ear shot. I half-heartily serenaded him with The Wiggles and Johnny Cash.
I fought back tears and worries. My mind kept conjuring horrific scenarios. I tried to push the negative possibilities out of my mind, concentrating on only the facts. I felt helpless and terrified.
Despite the tragedy of the accident, our family was blessed with a miracle. Jakey sustained a broken pelvis and ankle. He has severely bruised lungs and cuts on his face and head. All of his injuries will heal. We were spared all of the horrific scenarios I had feared.
Jakey is in the hospital, and we expect that he will remain there for several days. At the time he is sedated to ease the pain he was experiencing. My sister is frantic. I am sure that seeing your child struck by a car is something a mother cannot simply "get over." She will be reliving this incident in her sleep for years to come.
I am thankful that my nephew is going to heal. He is a wonderful little boy. He loves to watch The Wiggles and play with his puppy. He is more than a cousin to Robby; he is Robby's best friend.
My heart aches that Jakey is going to have to experience pain and discomfort during his recovery. Children are resilient and I know his recovery will be quicker because of his youth. As he grows, his memory of the incident will fade. Someday, perhaps it will merely be a story retold to him. I pray that it will, someday, morph into a distant memory for my sister as well. Her pain will take longer to heal.
I have been guilty of driving over the speed limit, especially in my own neighborhood. We all live hurried lives. Let's face it, sometimes going 35 mph is difficult.
Jakey lying in the hospital, bruised and battered, is a reminder that we all need to slow down. Speed limits, albeit inconvenient, are set for a specific reason: safety. I am posting the picture of Jake in the hospital with my sister's permission. We both hope that seeing the tragic

Jakey, Aunt Peggy loves you to the moon and back! When you get better, we are going to make cookies and go for a ride on a real train. Stay strong little man.