About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Tag... I'm it. AGAIN

The weather during the past few days has been gorgeous. Robby and I have been outside playing tag (his favorite game) and taking long walks to the mailbox (my idea to get out of playing tag). It has been so nice to be able to go outside without the snow layers and actually feel the warmth of the sun. I'm enjoying every moment of being outside.

I do have a confession. I feel like a horrible parent, but I absolutely hate playing tag. I despise everything about that silly childhood game-- except the look in Robby's eyes when I agree to "be it." He lights up and begins to squeal with joy.

I feel like I should at least enjoy an activity that he adores. I've tried. I've given myself pre-tag pep talks followed by attempts to channel my inner child. I've discovered that my inner child also hates tag.

Despite my MOD III, running is not easy for me. I try to envision being graceful like a horse cantering around a pasture. In reality, I look more like a lame mule lumbering in a muddy field.

I don't enjoy running, and when I am required to make a series of tight turns, the task is laborious at best. Between the impact on my limb from running and the twisting within my socket from the quick turns, I am just not built for playing tag. Unfortunately, Robby loves the game.

Undeterred and unable to be swayed towards other activities, Robby and I spent hours yesterday playing tag outside. Visualizing the calories that were being expended helped to make the activity bearable, but I can't say that I had fun. By mid-afternoon I found myself fantasizing about sleeping in late the next morning, certain that my little tagger would be tuckered out.

My dreams of Robby sleeping past dawn were interrupted when he wandered into our bedroom at about 5:00 am. I told him that it was still nighttime. As he was crawling into our bed and pulling up the sheets, he whispered that he had one question to ask me. "Okay Robby, ask your question but then you need to go back to sleep."

Pulling up the covers he whispered, "Momom, I just wanted to know if it was time to start playing tag again. It's my favorite." I guess I'm it... again!

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