About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Fancy Clothes

Yesterday was Picture Day at Robby's school. Unlike last year, where I was forced to run to Kohl's in search of a suit, this time the students were allowed to wear the clothing of their choice (or what their parents told them to wear).  Most kids want to wear their favorite shirt featuring a cartoon character, video game avatar, or SuperHero.  Not my son.  His request was specific and unusual. He wanted to wear a tuxedo.

Yes, Robby begged to wear a tuxedo for his school photo. I reminded him that he would be the only person in fancy clothes, but he was unswayed. He promised that he didn't care if he was teased for his attire, nor was he discouraged by the discomfort of wearing such an elaborate garment.  He was insistent, and once I learned his reasoning I had to try to make it a reality.

Robby thoughtfully explained that he wanted to wear "fancy clothes" because someday he is going to be President of the United States.  When he is President, he believes that people might look on Google for his school photo. He thinks that he should start looking important now, and in the eyes of an eight year old, important equates to a tuxedo. 

We are fortunate that Robby's music teacher had a child sized tuxedo that she was willing to lend him for his photo. Although she promised to bring it to school, Robby was nervous and decided to cover his bases.  In the morning he shunned the Minecraft shirt I suggested he wear in lieu of his suit. I must admit that he looked quite dapper and adorable strolling into his school clutching his turtle lunchbox while wearing his blue dress shirt, yellow tie, grey vest and jacket.  The entire ensemble somehow paired beautifully with his beat up, dirty and scuffed cowboy boots. 

His teacher remembered the tuxedo, a fact that he couldn't wait to tell me. He managed to convince his teacher to allow him to call me during the school day with the soul purpose of letting me know that he was wearing "fancy man clothes." I love that he has the confidence to wear something out of the norm without hesitation.  I can't wait to see these school photos! If nothing else, he has added to family lore.

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