About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I shudder to admit that yesterday was not my best day. My morning began battling with my snarky little tween. He felt that he could continue to play a video game in his underwear while I had the audacity to insist that he put on pants and get ready for school.  After the epic pant battle, my day continued to spiral downward. 

Timmy, while feeling much better, is not nearly as healthy as he would like to think. He continues to cough when he runs, and fatigues easily. At one point in the afternoon I was convinced that it would be easier to teach our three-legged cat how to tap dance than it was to convince Timmy to take it easy. The task is itself is ridiculously impossible.  Much of my day was spent running after Timmy, catching him only when he coughed or fatigued, and holding him until he was rested enough to resume the chaos.  His refusal to take a nap only served to exacerbate his fatigue and to further sour his disposition.

I found myself looking at the clock and mentally counting down until his bedtime. That in and of itself isn't unusual. The fact that I started my countdown at 10 AM is was probably not the best sign.

Hopefully today will be better.

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