About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snow Fun

I venture to guess that I enjoyed our snow almost as much as the boys. Timmy was gobsmacked when he woke up to discover our yard was transformed into a winter wonderland. With the flakes falling hard and piling quickly, he couldn't wait to suit up and head outside.  Robby was nearly as excited, although he woke up several hours after his brother. (On a side note, the sleeping patterns of my boys could not be more opposite. Robby is a night owl and sleeps in late whereas Timmy crashes early but rises before the sun.)

Getting dressed for the snow we discovered that Robby's existing snow pants no longer fit. He must have grown at least three sizes since last winter. I knew that he would be doing more rolling around and sledding than me so I offered him mine. Somehow time played a trick on me because I can't believe that my little Koopa fits into my snowsuit!

Robby grabbed his new sled board and was off to play with his friend up the street as soon as he was dressed. Timmy was content to dig, roll around, sled and throw snowballs in our yard. He loved every moment. I hope I always remember the squeals of delight and his nonstop giggling as we played in the snow for hours. It might have been frigid outside, but seeing him so happy warmed my heart.  

The only time Timmy stopped giggling was when we forced him to come inside to dry out and warm up. He breaks out in hives from the cold and I wanted to thwart an issue before it started. Our little snow monster was quite vocal each time I carried him inside. He was quick to calm down as he sat by the fire with his Daddy, watched cartoons and ate potato chips.  

Pulling a preschooler through the yard and up hills is laborious under the best circumstances. I figured I achieved a significant work-out yesterday because every muscle is sore this morning.  Timmy, of course, is already begging to go back outside.

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