About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, October 12, 2018

My New Socket

Several weeks ago, during my visit to San Francisco, I was fit with a new socket. I haven't been able to disclose the process or the new socket because it was classified within the company. With the official release of the new Infinite Socket TT-S by LIM Innovations, I am finally able to write about my secret. 

My new socket has been a difficult secret to keep. I have been chomping at the bit to talk about my experiences. I have been wearing the adjustable socket now for several weeks, and I have been gobsmacked by the benefits I have reaped.

Ever since my re-amputation four years ago I have struggled with socket comfort. I used to be easy-to-fit, but the surgery changed the shape of my limb and my tolerances for pressure. Elliot and I finally settled upon a socket shape that allowed me to be mobile, but I have never been completely comfortable.

For the past four years I have lived with a love/ hate relationship with my prosthesis. I loved that I am able to walk and take care of my kids, but I hated the discomfort I experienced throughout the day. During normal days I was forced to stop my activity to release the valve and readjust my prosthesis 20 times in a quest for comfort. Having to constantly fiddle with my prosthesis had slowly become my new norm.

My limb health has declined over the past four years. I developed small sores on the back of my knee in 2014. The sores have gone through various stages of healing, but they have never completely closed and healed. It is frustrating to acknowledge that I have had small sores for four years!

I was skeptical when I was asked to try the new TT-S. Although I have struggled with cramping within my socket, my volume fluctuation remains stable. I wasn't sure that I would reap the benefits from an adjustable socket, but I was excited to try a new style. My goodness, I completely underestimated the benefits of the new TT-S.

After four years of struggling, the sores on the back of my leg have completely healed within one week of wearing the new socket. The skin on the back of my limb is no longer tomato red but has resumed a healthy hue. Once I get the compression dialed in on my socket, I don't have to constantly manipulate my prosthesis to remain comfortable. Even Robby has noticed that I am no longer constantly releasing and readjusting my leg. I put it on in the morning and I don't even think about it again until I take it off at night. The absence of the constant cramping and the nagging leg sores has been liberating!

Today LIM is hosting a Facebook Live at 2 pm EST to showcase the new socket. I hope that you can tune in and check it out. I am confident that the TT-S will revolutionize the prosthetic experience for so many because it has made a world of difference for this skeptic. 

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