About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Robby Rotten is Back!

When I was in Florida last week, the weather at home was beautiful. Both my mom and Scott bragged about blue skies and 70 degree weather. I, of course, was stuck in a conference hall unable to soak up any of the gorgeous Florida sunshine.

I returned and the weather immediately took a nose dive. It has been dreary, rainy and cold. We've had severe thunderstorms and high winds at night, keeping Robby from sleeping. He never used to be afraid of thunderstorms until we had a tornado warning a few weeks ago and his Daddy told him to "run for his life." Apparently it made quite an impression upon him because now he seeks shelter in the bathroom at the first flash of lightening.

Robby has been holed up all week, and he is jitterbugging all over my last nerve. Bored and antsy, I am convinced that he is purposely seeking mischief and trouble. His lack of sleep is certainly not helping his mood. If the weather doesn't clear up soon, I think that my house (and sanity) might be beyond repair.

Robby Rotten proudly drew a happy face on our new flat screen TV with a yellow crayon. He cut "pee pee" holes in several pairs of his underpants, explaining that it was going to be easier to go potty. I came upstairs from riding my bicycle and found him sitting, naked expect for his newly tailored big boy pants, eating ice cream from the container-- with his hands.

Yesterday afternoon I found him chiseling at the bricks on our fireplace with a screw driver. He was convinced that there was a secret passage that he just needed to find. I tried to explain that, if there were a secret passage, Mommy would have taken refuge in it a long time ago! He wasn't convinced and became irate when his tools were confiscated.

In addition to Robby Rotten making an unwelcome appearance, he doesn't even have the courtesy to be polite. His sweet little boy voice has morphed into a loud squawking tone with two levels, shriek and scream. He has taken to barking commands like a Drill Sergeant at boot camp. He was sentenced to time out from the military tribunal (me) when he suggested that I "put on the stupid running leg, hop to it and get a move on to make some pancakes... NOW!"

I am thinking about wearing my Bose ear phones around the house simply so I don't have to hear, "I'm so hungry" every few minutes. He has mistakenly taken me to be a short order cook.

Watching the evening news last night I nearly broke down into tears. Our extended forecast calls for cold rain through the weekend. I'd love to seek refuge in a long hot bath, but I'm worried that the leak hasn't been completely repaired yet.

I find myself looking at my little egg tree longingly. The sweet little boy who proudly presented it to me seems to be a distant memory. I miss him! Here's hoping that I survive the weekend and I am able to blog on Monday-- wish me luck!

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