About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

He Didn't Scream!

I've tried to put it off, but yesterday morning I knew that I couldn't procrastinate any longer. Robby's hair was in his eyes, and he was beginning to look more like a "Roberta" than a "Robert." He needed a haircut.

Robby has yet to be good when getting his hair cut. In fact, I venture to guess that I dread the task almost as much as he does. I prepared myself for Robby Rotten. I took two Tylenol before I left the house, anticipating a headache from listening to his screeching screams; I wore loose clothing so that I would be able to restrain him as he fought to escape; I had cash so that I could pay quickly after his display. I was ready!

I was shocked that Robby was actually well-behaved during our trip to the barber. He whimpered and complained as we entered the establishment, but he knew that the trimming was inevitable. It's official--my little boy is growing up.

Yesterday I realized that I am now the parent to a soon to be kindergartner. He sat quietly, watching cartoons as the barber spritzed, sprayed and buzzed his hair. He didn't squirm, scream or fight. He only asked to hold my hand when the clippers were turned on.

Of course, his behavior could be attributed to the establishment as well as his age. I abandoned the traditional barber shop for a child themed salon. Robby sat on a tractor instead of an over-sized barber chair. A Diego the Animal Rescuer DVD was playing on the television positioned at his eye level. The stylist, upon learning Robby's favorite color, only used yellow brushes and combs.

I hate to admit that, before I was a parent, I used to wonder why the child salon was necessary. After all, why would a child need to watch a cartoon while getting a haircut? The amenities seemed to be simply another example of the spoiling of our children.

It was nice not having to wrestle with Robby to get his haircut. I enjoyed not being embarrassed by my child's outbursts and temper tantrums. Robby didn't squirm which resulted in a good haircut. He was so well behaved that I treated him to Play D'oh ice cream.

I realize that by taking Robby to a themed salon, I have become one of those parents. I admit that, although the cartoons aren't necessary for a good haircut, it certainly makes the process more enjoyable for us both. The only downside to the new salon is that Robby now looks so grown up with his new haircut!

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