About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Starting the Process

Yesterday I received confirmation of news that, to be completely honest, I knew but had been trying desperately to forget. Despite being active and mobile, my limb is not faring well. My fears have been affirmed, and I am going to have to have a major revision surgery in the coming months.

It turns out that I have a trinity of stump issues. I have a bone spur, a failed skin flap, and a splintering distal tip. Apparently I like to do everything, including developing limb issues, in a zealous fashion!

Repairing the distal tip will be the most invasive procedure, requiring the removal of bone and reassembly of the bone bridge. In essence I will be undergoing a re-amputation. An amputation is definitely not an experience I am excited to repeat.

True to Murphy's Law, the bone spur is not located close to the distal end of my limb. Shaving it down will require another significant incision. Pretty soon my stump will be nothing but a series of scars.

While I am not happy about the prospect of surgery, I know that it needs to be done, and I've started the process of approval with my insurance adjustor. I have no doubt that I will be required to appear in court and navigate through another sea of useless red tape and heartless denials. Trying to obtain approval will end up being as painful and frustrating as recovering from the surgery itself.

I am saddened that I'm facing another revision surgery, but right now I don't feel overwhelmed. I suspect that I am not worried because I know that the process of approval will take months. Although I know that I need the surgery now, in reality it will probably not occur until August or September. I'll worry about the pain and recovery when I have approval and a surgery date. Until then, I think I'll just try to forget and enjoy my summer.

1 comment:

  1. Peggy....

    Sean needed two revisons within 6 months of each other.... the thought of using a wheelchair in a school that thinks it is handicapped accessible but really isn't made him nervous.... then facing the fact, the school had no real plan to get him out of a building during a fire/fire drill if he did not have his legs on... even though we as parents were told they did and the plan was practiced... 3 weeks after his first surgery, Sean crawled down 3 flights of stairs on his knees while adults stood there trying to figure out how to get a 210 pound quad amputee downstairs without using an elevator.... long story short... after a lot of noise to the Powers to Be... every school in our district with multiple floors ( not just the school Sean attends) now has emergency evac chairs, and plans that are practiced quarterly.... Sean is a Mover and a Shaker... he makes people think.... Hang in there... you have a ton of friends to help you along the way.... Heck I may even come visit and bring cupcakes!!!
