As predicted, yesterday was a wonderful mixture of excitement and chaos. I thoroughly enjoyed spending the afternoon with cousins (whom I don't get to see enough) and gorging on good food and amazing desserts. By the time the sun set, I was exhausted but I knew that another task was looming.
Planning for our Black Friday attack has become a honed skill. Working together, Scott and I painstakingly evaluated the sale options and devised our list. Compared to other years, our list is short this year. We plan on hitting only four stores, and fully expect to be done by breakfast. (This is a good thing because I'll definitely need a nap today!)
Wish us luck as we battle the crowds in our quest for the ultimate deal. Hopefully we'll be done with all our shopping by 10:00. I must admit, this is the one day a year I fully enjoy and utilize my disabled handicapped parking tag. Happy shopping!
I'm amazed you'll be able to find a handicapped spot! I have a hard time finding one in the middle of the day during the week...