About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Not a Favorite Holiday

Yesterday afternoon I was feeding Timmy while trying to help Robby with his homework, I had an epiphany. I have come to despise Mother's Day. In my opinion and experience, it is a holiday which has been so heavily commercially hyped that it simply cannot meet the unrealistic expectations.

There is no way that my Mother's Day experience will ever mimic the feel good made for TV movies or the flower commercials. For one thing, the moms featured always look relaxed, well groomed, and live in spotless homes. They lounge in bed with perfectly coiffed hair until presented with a tray full of delicious goodies lovingly prepared by their children.  I banned breakfast in bed this year. After staying up all night to take care of Timmy, the last thing I wanted to do was clean the kitchen after the "gift" was presented. Instead I ate a Ho Hos in my pajamas while sorting the laundry.

Images of moms wearing beautiful (and clean) sundresses, relaxing the day away with their families, were pervasively streamed on commercials and television shows. The moms look so put together and beautiful. They are always basking in the doting of their families. They are showered with love, attention, surprises, and adoration.

I, on the other hand, was proud of myself for remembering to brush my hair and change my formula stained shirt.  I never got around to putting on make-up, but the beautiful purple hue which is developing in the bags under my eyes does add a pop of color to my face.  We did pose for our traditional Mother's Day photo, however it taken outside because the interior of my home is cluttered with assorted spit clothes, dirty bottles and plastic army men strewn on the floors and furniture. Doting was kept to a minimum. Had I been afforded the entire day of leisure, I would have twice the number of chores to tackle today!  Obviously, my reality of motherhood varies from Hallmark.

Despite my life not resembling my commercial role models, I consider myself lucky. I have two wonderful little boys, whom I utterly adore. Scott openly admits that he hates Hallmark holidays. He  refuses to bow to the commercialism and would prefer to ignore the event altogether. While I can intellectualize his stand, I am the one reaps the results of his boycott. Thankfully, after a decade together, I have learned to lower my expectations to thwart disappointment.

Yesterday I read an article which I feels exemplifies Mother's Day. The woman who started the movement dedicated the first half of her life towards lobbying for national recognition. After the holiday was recognized by Congress as an official holiday, greeting card and floral companies began the "show mom you love her by spending lots of money" assault. The founder then spent the second half of her life fighting against the commercialism of her heartfelt and well intended holiday.

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