About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Potty Talk!

I am tired of the language that has been used in this house. Scott and I have been engaging in more potty talk than either of us would like. I wish I were referring to cursing. That would be easier to resolve.

I suppose it started in November when Robby began "withholding." Apparently deciding that he was never going to poop again, Robby developed a horrific diaper rash and was in a lot of pain. This has been an ongoing situation for nearly two months.

Robby has been placed on a protocol of a high fiber diet combined with mineral oil. The treatment has been effective in producing movements but has not solved the problem. As soon as we stop the oil, Robby resumes his withholding behavior. We now fluctuate between painful withholding with constipation and pooping like a goose.

When Scott calls from work, his first inquiry is always about Robby's bowel movements. Family and friends, all concerned about Robby, continue to ask about the effectiveness of the oil. Quite honestly, I'm tired of discussing the pooping habits of my three year old.

Finally, I have been able to determine the correct dose of oil. Robby has been able to poop without pain and doesn't seem as frightened. I have been able to change his pants without getting sprayed by projectile liquid feces.

Robby's bowel habits are no longer the main topic of conversation in this house. What a relief! We are finally able to talk about something other than poop.

Or so I thought...

We are now having septic issues. When it is extremely cold outside, sewage is backing up into the shower downstairs. It has been perplexing because it only occurs when the temperature is below freezing. During the day the shower remains clean. Now, instead of calling to ask about Robby's issues, Scott calls to discuss the poop in the shower.

I have completed hours of research concerning the bowel movements of toddlers during the past few months. I have now found myself researching septic systems, discovering where the poop ends up. I have thus learned about the entire poop cycle.

I refuse to drive to Wal-Mart to have a bowel movement, so we are left with no choice but to repair the system. I am looking forward to putting our poop talk behind us (pun intended) and moving onto more stimulating conversation. In the meantime, I think I'll go bake a cake. No, it won't solve our septic issues, but it will certainly make me happier.

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