About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Uplifting News

Yesterday I was having a rough day. I was feeling stressed, under-appreciated and overwhelmed by nearly everything. Financial worries and personal anxieties converged to make me an emotional wreck. Although I went through all the motions during the day, my instinct was to hide under my covers and cry.

Making dinner nearly drove me to my breaking point. An hour before dinner I discovered that we are out of flour, sugar, butter, baking powder, onions, potatoes, eggs, cheese and tomato sauce. Every time I came up with a menu idea, I realized that I didn't have what I needed. Frustrated, I slammed the freezer door, tossed a chicken in the sink and grabbed my laptop to search for a way to cook a frozen bird quickly--with no ingredients!

My foul mood evaporated as soon as I logged into the Internet. My home page is Facebook (please don't judge me) and I saw a post from a former teacher colleague of mine about a student whom Scott and I both taught.

To say that Kai is orthopedically impaired would be an understatement. In a wheelchair and unable to fully use her shortened arms, teaching Kai was a challenge. Despite her physical limitations, her intellect was intact. She was always smiling despite the taunts from other students and the obstacles that she faced every day.

I had the pleasure of working with Kai to help determine an appropriate computer technology. Scott taught her how to use the programs, providing her with the ability to pursue her passion: Kai loved to write poetry. Scott eventually helped her set up a blog so that she could share her thoughts and talents with others.

Kai has since graduated from high school, and like many of our students, we had lost track of her. I've often wondered how she was doing, saddened by the prospect of her being limited by her disabilities.

Yesterday I learned that Kai has continued writing and has been "discovered." She has evolved from writing poetry to creating lyrics, and one of her songs has been produced and recorded. Hearing her words being sung brought tears to my eyes. You can listen to the song and read her story here.

Learning of Kai's successes warmed my heart. I had lost sight of the "bigger picture." No matter how overwhelming life can feel, there is always a way to rise above the obstacles. Yesterday I needed to be reminded that sometimes good things do happen to good people!

My mood instantly lifted. None of my problems were solved, but I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed. I didn't even become upset when I realized we were also out of macaroni and cheese. Instead of crying, I improvised. We had pressure cooked chicken with popcorn. I spent the rest of the night smiling as I clipped coupons and made a grocery list!

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