About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Swim Swim Swim (sort of)

Robby's prized rectangle pool, which he adored and was set up in front of our front door, promptly popped two days after it was inflated and filled. Although I was initially upset, the puncture turned out to be a blessing. Seeing how thrilled Robby was with a 20" wading pool, Scott finally acquiesced and agreed to a larger pool for our little water bug.

After thoroughly researching our options, including a lengthy Facebook discussion, we headed to Toys R Us and bought our summer pool. We now have a 10 foot, 34 inch deep circle pool sitting in the corner of our driveway. Unfortunately we set up the pool without measuring. We blocked the garage door so we now have to park outside.

While our pool isn't completely level we did our best with some old blankets, a piece of his wagon and assorted foam alphabet letters. If I learned anything from my Mom growing up, it was how to improvise in a pinch. Thankfully Robby seems happy to have a shallow and deep end in his circle pool!

Robby is delighted with his "ginormous super deep circle pool." I have to admit that I've been enjoying it as well since I've been dreaming of having our own in ground swimming pool constructed in our backyard.  It is just deep enough for me to float on a raft. Of course, this rarely occurs because as soon as I lie down, Robby decides to hop on, promptly sinking the inflatable.

Yesterday, after riding my bike (to my chagrin my Prosthetist advised me that non-impact exercise will help with the swelling in my stump) I donned my bathing suit and prepared to spend the day poolside. We spent four hours splashing and playing. Scott, opting to stay dry, dutifully acted as our "Cabana Daddy" by bringing us snacks and drinks.

We spent the afternoon playing various versions of the same game, which was chase and hop on Momom. I wasn't wearing my swim leg so I spent the afternoon crab crawling around the circumference of the pool, trying to avoid being splashed and/or ridden. After four hours of crab crawling in the pool, my arms felt so heavy I didn't even want to move them to wash my face. Thankfully Robby seemed content to quietly play with play d'oh for the rest of the evening so I didn't have to move much.

After a brief interruption for travel, my 3S Summer is in full swing. I am refusing to spend any unnecessary time in the car and I am dedicating myself to having fun. Unfortunately we did have to run to the grocery store one time, but it was an emergency. We were out of ice cream!

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