About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Captain Underpants

Although they are brothers, Robby and Timmy hold so many opposite traits. Robby is calm and analytical where Timmy is impulsive and busy. Robby was always cautious, carefully evaluating a task to determine the risks and benefits before proceeding.  Timmy sees a tree and wants to climb higher than the squirrels, regardless of skill or the ability to descend. Despite our efforts to keep him safe, I worry that it is only a matter of time before Timmy's daredevil impulses result in a broken bone.

Last night I worried that our fears had materialized. After I tucked Timmy into bed, I went into the kitchen to finish the dishes. About 20 minutes later, as I was finishing wiping down the counters, I heard a loud thud, followed by crying, coming from Robby's bedroom. I found Timmy on the floor, curled up over his foot sobbing in pain.  

After I put him to bed he sneaked out of his room and into Robby's, where he climbed to the top bunk. He stood at the top, and leapt down (gravity sucks sometimes), resulting in a hurt ankle. When I got him calmed down, he declared that he didn't "flap his arms fast enough fly."  

His ankle was swollen and he had a difficult time walking.  It looked horrible and I was worried that he had broken something. Instead of rushing him to urgent care, we decided to ice the area and see how he was in the morning. After he became comfortable he finally fell asleep for the night.  

I was worried about his leg through the night, but I figured that his sleeping was probably a good sign. I woke up to a thump coming from his bedroom. I darted into his room (which took me a few minutes because my leg wasn't on yet) and saw him standing on the top of his bunk, overlooking his beanbag that he positioned below (which is lower than the one in Robby's room). With his Yoshi underwear on his head as a hat, he just looked at me and sang, "I'm Captain Underpants, ohh yeahhh" before jumping into the bean bag. 

I'm trying to focus on the positive. Timmy already shows great athletic prowess. He is fearless and determined, both traits that will help him in life. More than anything, I'm glad that his ankle isn't broken and he at least learned to position cushions to soften his falls.

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