About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm Leaving... After Cookies

Yesterday morning the phone rang at precisely 4:30 AM with the news that we were hoping to receive: Scott's school was closed for the day. Snow days, whether you are the student or the teacher, are simply a lot of fun!

Robby was delighted when he came prancing into our bedroom in the morning. He began jumping up and down on the bed, chanting "Daddy has a snow day hooray" repeatedly until Scott finally put on his glasses and sat up. Unfortunately, this was the last pleasantry demonstrated by Robby Rotten for the remainder of the morning.

He morphed into a little terror. He was mad he couldn't go outside to play in the snow. The fact that we had no snow, only ice, seemed to be my fault. He was angry that I wouldn't let him go ice skating on our pond. This request surprised me because he does not know how to ice skate nor do we have a pond. Both of these tidbits seemed to be my fault as well.

The morning came to a head when, after I told him for the third time that we were not going to bathe Charlie Cat, Robby looked in my eyes and told me that he hated me. I would be lying if I didn't admit that those words stung. I knew that eventually he would feel that way, but I thought I had at least ten more years!

After telling Robby that I will always love him, he stormed off to his bedroom. He emerged about ten minutes later, with his Thomas the Train bag overflowing and Black Bear tucked under his arm. He informed me that he was running away, told me that I was a "mean mean Momom" and he explained that he was a big boy now.

Without pausing, he then asked me to bake him some cookies so that he would have something to eat on his trip. He requested sugar cookies, and suggested that cupcakes might be nice as well. I was reminded that yellow sprinkles on his cookies are his favorite. He handed me a sippy cup and asked me to fill it with milk so that he had something to drink as he was running away.

He went on to explain that he was moving to Alabama to catch "Monster Fish." He told me not to worry, but that he was "out of here." Leaving his bag in the hallway, he told me that he would wait for his cookies and cupcakes before he left.

I found him five minutes later, sound asleep on my bed. I decided to bake the cookies anyway. He seemed thrilled when he woke up to discover his baked treats. He didn't mention his move to Alabama again and neither did I. We spent the rest off the afternoon playing pirates and crashing cars.

The antibiotics are working on Robby's infection, and despite the little breakdown his behavior has been improving. Right now, I'm glad that cookies and sleep seem to take away his problems. I know that our relationship won't always be that easy!


  1. hahaha...God I love these stories. Maybe because I had a Robbie Rotton also. Spelled a little differently and now 34 years old, but sometimes the same behavior comes out even now. Don't worry, it will never stop!

    My two boys are arguing because youngest bought a house, then oldest bought a house 1 month later, now youngest is accusing oldest of taking his "thunder" away. And who do they call...Mom... to sort it out. Sometimes I'd wish they'd run further away!! Just kidding.

  2. If you decide to run away, let me know and I'll join you! (I'll even bring cookies.)
