About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Resuming my summer schedule, I woke early to get to work while everybody else in my house slept. I have forgotten how quiet those early morning hours feel, and the productivity that I can achieve when left entirely alone. While I will miss sleeping in I don't think it is going to take long for me to reset to this schedule. I can't help but wonder if this will be my new reality now that Scott is retired. Usually I am able to sleep in a little more when he goes to work, but with him being retired his summer vacation will never end.  

Sigh. I will deal with this in September.

Today, after everybody finally wakes up, we are packing up the car and heading to Pennsylvania. I haven't been to visit at my Mom's house since my brother's memorial and our visit is long overdue. It will be wonderful to hear the happy chaos and chatter of the cousins being together under the same roof.

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