About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amputee Grandma

Yesterday afternoon I peeked into Robby's classroom window before picking him up. I saw him sitting at the art table next to some friends, happily chattering non-stop. I love the moments when I catch a glimpse into his life without his knowing and I witness his happy and outgoing personality.

As soon as I entered the classroom he leaped towards me, embracing me in a bear hug. Talking quickly (he was obviously excited) he began to tell me about a classmate's grandmother. His thoughts were running together so quickly that I couldn't follow what he was saying. I had to stop him and encouraged him to take a deep breath and start again.

After calming down and gathering his thoughts, he began to relay the story. His friend's grandmother was in the hospital and she was going to be getting a new knee soon. He quickly clarified that they she was not getting new "inside knees" like Nana (referencing my Mom's knee replacements) but that she was going to be getting a prosthetic knee.

I promised Robby that I would reach out to his friend's grandmother and asked the teacher for some paper so that I could write a quick note. In the meantime, Robby asked for the prosthetic ribbon pin I was wearing. I took it off and he gave it to his friend. I overheard him say, "It's going to be really cool that your grandma will have a prosthetic like my Momom. Not many people get to take their legs off whenever they want. She'll learn to walk with it and it will make her even more special. She'll probably get a Rheo knee or a C-leg and both are good. She could try to get the Genium but it's a b*tch to get insurance to pay for it." Yikes! I guess he does understand more of our casual dinner conversations than I thought.

My little guy chatted the whole drive home about the new amputee grandma. He planned ways that we could help her and wanted to know if I could call Mr. Elliot and ask him to start working on a new knee. I had to smile as I thought about how my being an amputee has created a unique perspective from my little boy. Instead of being scared or grossed out by the loss of a leg, Robby was able to relate and offer support. After all, how many six year old can hold a conversation about prosthetic knees and the chances of insurance covering the cost?

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