About Me

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I am a below knee amputee. More importantly, I am also Mommy to two boys, a very active 10 year old (Robby) and an mischievous toddler (Timmy). I have learned that being a parent with a disability can create some unusual and sometimes humorous situations. This blogger is available for hire! Let's talk and learn how a blog can expand your business.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Dam(n) Experience

Hello from Las Vegas! We arrived safe and sound on Friday afternoon which felt like Friday night because of the time change. After a quick dinner, we were tucked into bed and sound asleep by 9:00--pathetically early by Vegas standards.

Saturday morning we woke up early and became gluttonous tourists at the breakfast buffet. We then hopped on a bus and headed out to visit the Hoover Dam. Although I don't fully understand why, I appreciate that touring the Hoover Dam has been a dream of Scott's. He has spent countless hours mesmerized by documentaries featuring this engineering feat. Sitting on the bus next to him I realized that I haven't seen him that excited since the Ohio State Buckeyes won the football championship ten years ago.

Spending the afternoon sitting on a tour bus and walking around a Dam would not have been my choice, but knowing how much it meant to Scott, I could not have envisioned a better way to spend the day. Robby and I dutifully followed behind Scott throughout the tour, taking pictures and absorbing the experience. I had to chuckle when Robby looked at me and said, "Momom, Daddy sure does love the dam." I'm not sure who provided more information about the structure on the tour, the guide or my husband!

It is impossible to tour the Hoover Dam and not to be impressed by the engineering marvel of this concrete structure. I couldn't help but think about the hardworking men who labored to build it. The work ethic that gave birth to that project seems to be gone in this country, but I digress.

On our tour we were taken inside the generator room where the hydro electricity is harnessed. At the time three of the eight generators were running. This was probably Scott's favorite part of the tour, and unfortunately it was the part I couldn't wait to leave.

I don't know why (and if anybody has an explanation please share it), but my stump immediately began to respond when I entered the steel doors of the generator room. It felt like my leg was being stimulated by a TENS unit placed on high. The buzzing sensation wasn't painful, but it certainly was not comfortable. The longer I stayed in the room the more intense the stimulation became; it felt surreal.

Although I tried to listen to the guide's rehearsed speech about the generator room, I had to leave early. I simply couldn't stand the discomfort of the electrical buzzing in my socket. As soon as I left the room and stood on the opposite side of the steel doors, the sensations disappeared.

I spoke with the guide at the conclusion of the tour about my experience, but he was as perplexed as I. Obviously the electricity being generated affected my residual limb, but I don't understand how the two are connected. I'm curious if other amputees have had similar experiences.

Despite the buzzing stump, we thoroughly enjoyed our tour. I loved that Robby and I were with Scott when one of his dreams was realized. Although he is only five, I hope that one day Robby will look at the pictures and realize how much the day meant to his daddy.

Our Las Vegas adventure continues today as Scott and I renew our vows. I'll post pictures and the video as soon as they become available. Please think of us at 2:00 because I'm "goin' to the chapel and I'm gonna get married!"

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